what no!

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You think to yourself 'no why would they? That's crazy I'm being weird' everyone around you are just doing there own thing. You mumble "I hope HE is not here" you continue drawing.  Who do you mean?...you mean this guy named Josh...this guy always bothered you and wants you ...... ( not like my that you dirty readers XD ) he soon enough hurts you tell you say yes or you escape.  So far you have never said yes and you have always escaped from him. You see him walk into the room. "Fuck!" You whisper/yell. People watch him approach you. "Hey cutie" he winks. "Go away Josh" you put your head down. "No, you will be mine ! And if you still refuse I will kill the ones you love" he whispers in your ear. "You would go to jail idiot" you roll your eyes. "That's what you think sexy"' he leaves 'oh god ......why me?' You think as you get up and leave the classroom to another class.

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