Fight of death.

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∼(y/n)'s view~
I can see out of the metal box...but I can not control my body for it was already walking torwards everyone.
'Run..' I think in my head as I can hear myself well...her laugh.

~BENS view~
I see (Y/n). But..something different her eyes...are glowing a purple color. As I see the color in her eyes sway like the ocean. They..are beautiful..i quickly snap out of my daze and look at slender and Jeff who are already in fighting position. "I don't want to hurt her.." I said to slender. Jeff nodded and we both stood idiots. We need to strap her down until we can find the cure. (Y/N) lunges at slender as he was not ready for it. Slender was thrown into the wall behind us. Getting up as his face began to tear where his mouth...would have been. Black liquid running down his chin as he smirks. Slender is and Jeff have to think of something quick before slender decides to kill her. (Y/N) laughing evily as she begins pulling out a weapon from a small hole in the middle of her chest. A black hole, in the black hole she pulled out a axe. 'wtf!?' I scream in my head as I watch her swing it. But she didn't swing it close to slender. But the hit..certainly hit him. Invinsable hits...shit we are screwed.. I rush to Jeff and we run pinning (Y/N) down by her arms. She begins to laugh as she begins to rise up in mid air. We let go as the force was to strong. "FOOLS!! HAHAH you really think you can save your poor friend now? After the way you mistreated her!? Hahahahah I can only imagine an IDIOT would accept your apologies!!" I frown knowing it was...somewhat true. I look over at Jeff who was frowning too. We are idiots for doing this to our girl..(Y/n) raises both her arms as orange flames begin to fire up. She swings her arms into one motion torwards slender it hits him..all his tentacles fall apart... he is screeching in pain as he grabs (Y/N) throwing her to the ground. I gasp and eyes turn wide worried there for a second he actually would kill her. But (Y/N) before she would even hit the ground began to disappear. I grab some rope I found in the spare room as Jeff waits for me to return. We are here to help...we need to get her tied down. Just something before this all gets out of hand. I tackle (y/N) to the ground and begin to wrap the rope around her. Jeff did the same as the rope began to run to its end we tied it up into multiple knots. "(Y/N) SNAP OUT OF IT get a grip!! Stay strong and fight this demon out of you. It is not helping you it is killing everyone. Please (Y/N)!!! STOP THIS!!" I keep telling seeing tears form in my own eyes. I began to cry..."this is all my fault..." I hold her down tight to the floor as she struggles. This rope holds everyone's powers inside. It will never break nor get ruined. It is protected from all magic. "SNAP OUT OF THIS!!" Jeff yelled. " WE NEED THE REAL (Y/N)!!!" We both scream at the same time.

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