my baby sally!

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I teleported out of the mansion as something was bussing in my ear. Its like my own power...against myself. It gets louder and louder as I fall onto my knees I start to get frustrated and growl as I open my mouth once against seeing black liquid spilling out. "W...what is this!?" I say as I grab onto my head and shake violently. "I dont think this is good! At this rate...i think she is trying to take over all the creepypasta's as slaves or puppets and kill someone..but who I don't know. BEN and Jeff...maybe herself..I don't know this isn' i got blank...I feel no pain anymore as I see myself stand up. no longer me.

I wait with BEN wondering where the hell is slenderp and his scrawny ass. I look around then see him outside. "What the fuck! Hold on stay with her BEN" I get up as he frowns and pins (Y/N) down harshly with the rope still on her. I walk outside and see slender all the sudden get up..I stare and growl a bit knowing something was off..I pull out my blade and wait for him to walk or say something. But nothing..he stood there and soon after maybe 19 minutes he turned around and started walking to me. I growled and got into fighting position. "Stay there! Who are you!!" I yell at slender. He stared at me..well somewhat eyes. Anyway he grabbed me with his tentacles and threw me at a tree as I hit the tree head first I pass out....shit not how I wanted to go down.

I wait as she struggles more. I don't get what's happening. Jeff should have been back by now..I wonder what happened. As I got lost in my train of thought I get shoved off of her. "FUCK!" I yell as she gets up and flies to the basement. What was in the basement..."SALLY SHIT!!" I yell as I remember slenderman put Sally down there to keep her safe! I dont stalk...I NYEH. I run to the basement seeing them both gone. I turn around fastly as the door was slammed shut. "Fuck..." I grown and slam my fists on the door. "EJJJJJ!!!!" I whined.

ben x reader x jeffWhere stories live. Discover now