Chapter Two: Welcome Home Party

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I placed my hands on my face and I almost cried, " you guys...what is this?", Jimin smiled at me as he answered my question for me, " we wanted to make sure your welcome home was as big and as grand as your going away party was, so we all came together and bought the decorations and hung them up and we all made your favorite foods with help from Jin, so welcome home Rosita", I smiled as I felt tears well up in my eyes especially as I saw the larger image of Baekhyun in front of the tree and I almost cried as I looked at Suga and J-Hope and they looked back at me.

J-Hope smiled as he spoke in a soothing calming voice, " Me and Suga know how much Baekhyun meant to you and we also know how much you really wanted him here to meet us, so your welcome home party is also a memorial service for Baekhyun", Suga smiled at me as he then added something in, " we also have a surprise for you Rosita", Suga put his lips together and whistled loudly and looked towards the tree and I followed his line of sight, and I cried as I saw the shadow coming out of the dark into the little bit of light given off by the Christmas lights hung up along the trees and gleaming a heavenly white.

I cried when I saw Baekhyun's older sister Byun Minyee walk out into the light and I smiled and ran to her and hugged her and she hugged me back, hey sis, I missed ya", I smiled and cried more, after Baekhyun's accident Minyee disappeared for a while and only told me where she was and only kept me updated on how she was doing while she was traveling the world trying to heal from the death of her only baby brother, I smiled, " but how did you get here, not that im complaining and don't want you here because im not complaining and im so happy that you are here but how did you find me?", she smiled, you can thank your brother for that one".

I smiled, " what do you mean?", She smiled back at me, " your brother found Baekhyun on your Facebook account and from there he found me and told me he was having a welcome home party for you and that it was also gonna be a memorial for Baekhyun and he invited, so he sent the tickets and I caught the ride and now im here with you", I smiled and looked over at Suga and I walked over to him and hugged him crying and he hugged me back and shushed me softly, I smiled and looked at him, " thank you so much for everything, thank you for supporting me, and taking care of me this whole time and thank you for letting me stay here, and thank you for all of this", I looked at my Brother and smiled, " your welcome, I would do anything and go anywhere if I meant that I could see you smiling once again, I love you baby sis".

I smiled at my brother and he smiled back at me and it was like we where looking in a mirror, we had the same dark brown eyes, and the same midnight black hair, and the same big nose, and the same dorky gummy smile, you could definitely tell we are siblings, I smiled at my brother, " I love you to big bro", we both laughed and I yelled out," LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED", everyone hooted and hollered as J-Hope turned up the music, we played nothing but Baekhyun's songs all night, Suga and J-Hope even invited my High school friends, Lisa, Rose, Jisoo, Chungha, and CL, I was so glad to see my girls who I haven't seen since before I left for med school, I introduced them to Minyee and they clicked instantly, I had so much fun catching up with them and they had fun getting to know Minyee.

We all danced that night, I did some dances with Minyee, then I did some dances with the girls, then I danced some with the guys, then I danced to a dance or two with Suga and J-Hope, I was having a blast until that one song came on again, his song, my song he wrote for me, his song, My Love came on and my whole smile fell, I walked away to the little swinging bench in the garden hanging from the grandfather oak tree my father planted for me and Suga before he left, as I sat there I looked out on the dance floor that was the patio floor and everyone was slow dancing to my song, Suga was dancing with Minyee, J-Hope was dancing with Chungha, Jin was dancing with Rose, Jimin was dancing with CL, Jungkook was dancing with Lisa, and RM was dancing with Jisoo.

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