Chapter Six: Home By Day But Gone All Night

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I woke up in the middle of the night from a night mare and I sat up with a jolt and a cry and I looked around only to realize I was alone, I looked around and none of the guys where any where, I quickly grabbed my phone and looked at it, it was 5:00 AM, where in the hell are the guys at during 5:00 AM?, I thought maybe they to had woken up from some dream or nightmare or rest less night, I decided to call out to see if I got an answer, " J-HOPE?....SUGA?....V?....JIN?....JIMIN?....WHERE ARE YOU?", I waited for a response, when I didn't get a single response I began to panic, they know I hate being alone why would they leave me, I turned into a small child once again and called out the first name that came to my mind, " J-HOPE".

I was out hunting with the guys on our regular hunt, me and the guys had our eyes focused in on a pack of deer's feeding, drinking, and resting by the river bank, just as we where about to dive in and take the kill I heard the faint sound of crying echoing in my head and the faint sound of a scared female screaming out 5 names, " J-HOPE?......SUGA?......V?.....JIN?.....JIMIN?....WHERE ARE YOU?", I slowly stopped as I began to feel anxious and terrified as the crying picked up and I said lowly, " Rosita?", as I stood there the crying and screaming and anxiousness intensified and I stood up and stiffened and looked back behind me, The guys must have taken notice as RM silently hollered out, " J-Hope what the hell are you doing?", I shushed him as I heard a woman scream out again in pure fear.

" J-HOPE", my eyes widened and I called back out, " ROSITA", I took off running not caring about the damn deer's all I cared about was getting to cousin as fast as I can before something happens to her, the faster I ran the more and more intense her screams got, " J-HOPE...WHERE ARE YOU?.....J-HOPE IM SCARED....J-HOPE", I hit my vampire speed as I felt tears stinging my eyes as her cries of fear got louder and louder, so loud that I couldn't hear the other guys following me and calling out to me, all these dark thoughts kept racing through my mind, did Mark get to her?, did Lucas find her and is hurting her now as we speak?, did the wolves that where once her friends get to her and are now ripping her to pieces because they sense her form awaking?.

I have always been Rosita's protector and she has always been my protector, I would never forgive myself If anything happens to her, if she dies so does my Sunshine and I will forever be plunged and trapped in the darkness with no light or hope to pull me out of it, it's hard to say what the hell ill do when Im trapped in the darkness im forced to live with because of this damn curse, her pleas and cries kept getting louder and louder and kept feeling like the house just kept getting further and further away from my reach, I used every last ounce of my energy and made it to the house and I bursted into the door, " ROSITA?", I ran through the house, " ROSITA WHERE ARE YOU?", my fears grew worse and worse and my tears fell more and more, " ROSITAAAAA".

I ran into the living room where we last left her only to be greeted by her in a blanket fort hidden and not breathing, I quickly ran over to her and flung her blanket off of her revealing her knocked unconscious and a slight chill in the air....." Mark", he did something to her I don't doubt it for one damn second, I leaned my ear down to her mouth and heard her breathing and I took a breath of relief as I picked her up into my arms just as the rest of the guys came barging into the house and they all looked at me and Suga spoke up, " J-Hope what's wrong with her?", he quickly ran and fell to his knee's beside me and gently shook her and called her name, " Rosita....Rosita wake up damn it".

I looked at him, " she woke up", Suga looked right at me and spoke out, " what?", I was still crying as I clutched on to her and held her like a child, " she woke up....and I wasn't here....I promised her I promised", Suga kept looking at me, " J-Hope your fucking confusing me speak proper English", I looked at Suga with tear filled eyes, " she woke up and was afraid because she was alone and I wasn't here to comfort her, I promised her I wouldn't leave her...and now Mark has probably done something to her....I failed to protect my precious Sunshine", Suga sighed and looked at Jin, " Jin take Rosita to her room...he needs to feed he's completely drained", Jin nodded and walked over to me and went to grab for Rosita.

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