Chapter Twenty: Run Away

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I kept running at my vampire speed until I reached the center of a field, I stopped and looked back at my small neighborhood so far in the distance now, I fell to my knees and cried in the field, I'm sorry Suga and V and J-Hope but I couldn't stay any more, Suga and V and Jimin and even that strange voice in my dream that sounded so familiar to me was right, Jungkook did play me like a fiddle and I was so stupid...believing that he actually changed yea right, I shook my head and kept walking through the field, I have no idea where I should go at?, I could go back to mine and Baekhyun's apartment in Brooklyn, New York but I told the land lord I would be gone all summer which is why I paid her as much for rent but summer is not over yet.

I could go back to Brooklyn and just stay at a hotel for a while then go back to our apartment near the end of the summer time, I sighed as I kept walking until I came across a small abandoned cabin in the woods and I smiled, I will just stay here and then ill return back to Brooklyn, they will never find me here, I walked up on to the porch of the cabin and I opened up the door and walked in, from the look's of it the cabin look's like it has not been abandoned for long, I flipped the switch on the wall and it has power still so that works, I shut the door behind me and I locked it and I closed all the window's curtains and walked over to the fridge.

When I opened up the fridge there was fresh food in there, that's strange all of this food is new?, I shrugged my shoulders, oh well they may have just recently stayed here and forgot this food it's fine though, I grabbed sandwich materials and made me a couple sandwiches, after I made them and ate the sandwiches I looked around the cabin for a room, and I found the master bed room and I went in there and claimed the room for myself, once I laid back on the bed all the exhaustion and lack of sleep hit me like a ton of bricks and I passed out, Ill probably leave to go back to New York tomorrow I have to get train tickets and everything else.

I watched Rosita run away and I heard what Jungkook said to her that fucking bastard, I never left when I saw Suga I heard everything even Jungkook's last game he played on Rosita, after I saw her run away I quickly ran back to the house and into my room, after I got into my room I grabbed my bag and packed all of my stuff, as I was packing my things Taemin walked in on me, " Baekhyun?....what the hell are you doing?", I kept packing as I answered him," I'm packing", Taemin answered back sarcastically answered me back," no shit Baekhyun I can see that but why are you packing for is what I'm asking", I answered, " I'm going back to my apartment in Brooklyn".

Taemin rushed over to me quickly, " WAIT WHAT?....WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GOING BACK THERE FOR?, MARK TOOK YOU AWAY FROM THERE FOR A REASON BAEKHYUN ARE YOU INSANE?", I laughed, " no I'm sane more sane than I ever was when I first joined Mark and this freak show no offense especially when I learned that my fiancé's rapist the reason why mine and her son died was here to, no thank you so excuse me for wanting to go back to Brooklyn for a break away from that bastard and this hell Taemin", he sighed and spoke again, " and how long are you planning on staying there for Baekhyun?".

I slammed my suit case shut and grabbed it and put my hood back up and looked Taemin dead in the face, " however damn long I want to Taemin", I grab my door and open it and Taemin speaks again, " and I don't suppose Mark knows about this little vacation back to where he took you from does he?", I stayed quiet and Taemin laughed, Mark is gonna get pissed off at this Baekhyun and he's gonna hunt you down and kill you", I looked at Taemin, " I don't give a damn ", I stormed out and slammed my bed room door behind me leaving Taemin in there and I walked out the front door and got in my taxi, " where to young man?", I looked at him, " the bus station please", he nodded and drove off, I looked out the window and sighed.

Ill see you again soon Rosita and then you will finally see my face again my love, you may not be there now?....but you will be....that's why you didn't sell it right? so you always have a place to go and get away from everything baby? so you can always return.....home, I paid the cab driver after he dropped me off at the bus station and I went and bought a bus ticket to the air port, she's running away and I know to where she's running to, she's going back to my apartment in Brooklyn, the apartment that became our apartment, at least that's where I would go if I wanted to run away somewhere, I boarded the train after I purchased my ticket and soon after it took off.

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