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David Wilson is your average American writer who's hobby for writing turned into a burning passion in which the author enjoys getting on almost every day to create something new for their readers that will hand readers the perfect mix of Spine Chilling, Emotional Roller Coaster, Edge OF Your Seat, oh my god what, mind working, head scratching, in detectives, cussing fan girl screaming story's that you absolutely amazing most patient readers hungry for more chapters to come and opening your minds up to your secret romances and your most mind blowing dark secret fantasy's become fulfilled, David Wilson is a 25 year old writer from Middle River, Maryland who's name is just as curious as their writings are, David Wilson dreams of maybe one day turning their writings into a career and being able to share their books with billion of readers all over the world, a dream that is slowly but steadily coming true for them as we speak, thanks to a few of David Wilson's long term friends sharing their works with full sail university's writing certificate program and David Wilson is currently working with and applying for full sail university recently so hopefully just maybe you readers will soon start seeing David Wilson's works jumping off your computer screens and cell phones and tablets on to your local book store shelves, David Wilson is extremely grateful to how patient their readers have been with them and not getting upset over how David Wilson's Chapter updates take so long before publishing them, as I said David Wilson is just an average human bean like the rest of us are and shares their fair share of struggles and issues getting by in life like the rest of us are so thank you again to all of David Wilson's readers and their patients and don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for David Wilson's newest novel by the title of " My Love Protector". Thank you again to all of David Wilsons Readers and Fans and may you all have a very safe and a very merry Christmas as well as a very safe and fun happy new year and David Wilson will see all you lover readers when they return.


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