Chapter Three: Unexpected Roommate's

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of silence, I looked over at my window which im sure I left open the night before, I just shrugged it off until I looked over at my desk and I saw mine and Baekhyun's picture back In it's spot, ok now im sure something's not right here, I know when I went to bed I left my window open and I know when I went to bed last night I was clutching on to that picture, could what I thought was a dream last night, not be a dream at all?.

I got out of my bed and decide to get ready for the day but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had last night, I walked to the closet to grab my outfit for the day but no matter what I did I couldn't get that dream out of my head at all, it just felt so real, I grabbed my black short sleeve crop top, with my black short shorts with holes in them, and I grabbed my black converses, for some reason ever since I was little all I would wear Is Black and it Is my favorite color.

I got dressed then sat down at my vanity in my room and started doing my hair and Make up, I flat ironed my hair and then threw it up into a pony tail, I then did a silver eye shadow with some foundation and a black eyeliner, when I was done with my eye and face make up I put on my dark red lipstick, I put all of my make up away and walked over to my night stand and opened the bottom drawer with all my perfume and I put on Hawaiian Sweet Heart, that perfume was always Baekhyun's favorite perfume on me so I always wore it, I sighed and walked over to my window seat and sat in it and looked out the window.

God why cant I get that dream out of my head?, and why did the dream seem so real?, this is going to be on my mind all day today, and I cant hide it from the guys seeing as they live here now, talk about Unexpected Roommate's much, but I just don't know where the guys are staying at here or on what floor let alone how close they are to my room, but aside from that my dream, I cant get over it, I started to zone out as I thought about the dream, it was such an amazing dream that I just smiled at the thought of an extent.

In the dream I was laying in my Bed crying and I had cried myself to sleep only to be woken up by a familure touch on my head and a familure kiss on my lips, in the dream I had opened up my eyes and there standing in front of me was Baekhyun and he was smiling down at me, In the dream Baekhyun had said to me, " I am alive Rosita, im here, I love you so much and I miss you so much, I wish I could just touch you and hold you again, but im here and im around you", In the dream I smiled but just as I was about to say to Baekhyun why cant you hold me and be here for me If your alive?, he had looked at the door and then vanished and disappeared.

In the dream I had looked near the door and I when I did I saw V walk in and walk over to me, I was about to ask him what did he want but when I moved my mouth no sound had came out, next thing I know I was laying in bed shivering, I kept trying to speak but I couldn't it was like I was asleep, I looked up at V who looked down at me and he covered me up, he then looked at me clutching the picture we he carefully took out of my hands and placed it back on my desk, then I watched as V walked back over to me and he had said to me.

" my sweet sweet little Rosita I know your hurting, and I know your grieving over Baekhyun's death, but its going to be ok, I know its going to take you time to get over the loss of Baekhyun and I understand that, no body should have to go through that, but I promise you Rosita that I will be here for you through this struggle, and I promise I will stay by your side and help you get through this, I promise Rosita I will love you so you don't feel the pain any more, my sweet little mate", In the dream V then kissed my head and kept his lips there for a good minutes until I heard the snapping of a branch outside my window.

I watched as V looked over at the window and then at an inhumanly speed he ran over to my window and looked out of it in both directions as if he was looking for something....or someone, I then watched V close my window and he then walked back over to my door and looked back at me one last time before shutting my door flooding me in the darkness and then I woke up, that felt so real to me for some reason, was that dream trying to tell me a message?, Is Baekhyun really still alive?, and if he is why cant he touch me or be here for me or hold me?, what is V hiding from me and how come he moved so quickly to my window?, and what does he mean by mate?.

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