Chapter Fourteen: Mating Games For Mating Season

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After we watched the sun rise we had our picnic and we all enjoyed ourselves and we talked about memories and it felt like old times, but the one thing that was not brought up was the kiss between me and V, I guess it's because nobody saw it?, when he kissed me I felt everything stop and I felt like it was just the two of us in the garden, I don't know what caused him to kiss me? he just did, my thoughts where cut short by the sound of Suga's voice, " alright guys so we did our celebration of Rosita awaking finally and she couldn't have woken up at a better time".

Suga's smile that was on his face like 3 minutes ago turned very strict and stern as he kept on talking, " now it's time for us to be serious, for what's happening tonight", we all looked at Suga with a little confusion and then Jungkook spoke up, " what's so serious about tonight?", Suga sighed, " tonight is the first night of the blood moon and tonight starts....the mating games, and tonight is the first game....capture the Red", I was confused so I asked Suga, " what's capture the Red?", Suga smiled half at me," Capture the Red is a mating game where all of the females in the house dress in a lingerie gown with a red hood on and they spray a perfume with their feriemone in it also one they use the most and they go out and hide here in the garden".

I nodded and kept listening as my brother spoke, " then the men in the house dress in wolf pelts and they go out into the garden after the females are hidden and they track the female down by there sent, whatever Male or Males find one female those males are a potential mate for that female and through out each game played they will narrow down to one male and one male only, that male left standing is that females mate for there will be hearts broken and there will be happiness eventually", I nodded then Jimin spoke up, " but I don't understand why we are being so serious on it Suga", Suga sighed and spoke up again.

" Because Jimin seeing how Rosita is the only female living under our household because there was no other females born under this house hold Rosita will be out there In the garden as the red by herself while we try and find her", V then spoke up," woah wait a minute we? what do you mean we?", Suga looked down as he spoke, " what I mean by we I mean Jin, Jimin, RM, Jungkook, you V and J-Hope and me are all going to be hunting to find Rosita in that garden tonight", I was shocked at with what my brother just said...this Is a game to find my potential mate for life so why is him and J-Hope going to play as well? I understand the others but not them, V tensed beside me and he spoke out.

" What?....why are you and J-Hope joining it for....this is to find Rosita's potential mate for life and your her brother and J-Hope is her cousin so why do you have to play the mating games with us and Rosita?", J-Hope then spoke up," wait a minute Suga you don't mean?", Suga had tears in his eyes as he spoke, " yes J-Hope I to have been having the same urges as you have when it comes to Rosita....I kept pushing myself so hard to not believe it and keep fighting it off but I cant its starting to hurt me", J-Hope sighed and me and Jungkook looked down and then V blurted out again, " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?", Suga finally snapped, " OUR FAMILY IS CURSED V THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT".

J-Hope spoke more, " V did your parents ever tell you what Black Blooded Vampires originated from?", V looked over at J-Hope and spoke, " no they didn't but me and my brothers would always ask and they would never tell", J-Hope sighed, " Black Blooded Vampires originated from a line of Vampires that years and years ago mated within each other they either slept with and had off spring with either their brother or sister or cousin and because of that the gods cursed that whole blood line and now every single Vampire that's born of black blooded decent is cursed to possibly end up being mated with their brother or sister or cousin and me, Suga, Rosita, and Jungkook are born from Black Blooded Vampire we are cursed".

I looked over at V, Jin, RM, and Jimin and they all had a look of betrayal in their eyes....where me, Jungkook, Suga, and J-Hope the only one's who knew about this?, V spoke up and I heard pain in his voice, " so you mean to tell me that you and Suga have to play the mating games with Rosita because of some curse from the gods on a whole blood line because they committed incest breaking one of the Vampire Gods biggest law...the law of Abraxas and now you two suffer with having feelings for her and are a potential mate for her?".

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