Chapter Twenty Six: Date Night Turned Sexy

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At around 4:30 am me and V snuck out of the mansion, we couldn't find the others any where, we couldn't even sense them, we snuck out quietly to the car and got into the car laughing like two little children that got away with stealing cookies out of the cookie jar, V threw our two bags in the trunk of the car and closed it and hoped in the drivers seat and he took my hand and held it and smiled as he spoke to me, " ready to get away from all of this for the last few days?", I smiled and nodded, " yes", V smiled and kissed my hand and he started the car and drove off out of the drive way, we are in Korea still so we are only a drive away from Seoul, the Kim's have a family house there.

We all use to go to it as children with our parents in the summer time, our parents would do parent things with each other and us children would do children things with each other, me and V decided to finish out mating season at this family home because even though me and V are sealed in stone its still mating season and I'm still fare game to the others, because even though me and V are Sealed in stone the permanent mating mark still has not appeared on either one of us yet, and even though me and V are sealed in stone if I end up sleeping with my true mate and the mark appears it over runs mine and V's seal in stone, so we left a note for the guys saying we were fine but not saying where we were going so that they cant find us.

I looked out the window as V drove and he didn't let go of my hand at all, I was tired but I was fighting to keep myself awake because I didn't want to miss a single second of this time with me and V but I guess V could tell how tired I was because he smiled at me and said, " Rosita if your tired sleep its gonna be a long drive to the house and I will wake you up if I cant drive anymore or we make it to the house because I know we where up all night and I can tell your tired so sleep now I'm right here and ill be here when you wake up", I smiled and nodded and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I smiled as I looked over at her sleeping beside me in the passenger seat, I finally got dream I have had ever since we were young but old enough to know what love is and how it should be used finally came true, when we finally got through the daze caused by the first night of the blood moon and we where sane enough to think straight, I decided right then and there in front of that fire place if I wanted this to last, I need to get her away from the house and her brother and cousin and the other guys as far away as I can, so we can see if we are destined to be forever mates or not, because she's still free game to the others, so as long as we are far away from the house and the guys and they don't know where we are she cant be taken from me when the blood moon rises again tonight and the next two nights, and hopefully on the third and final night the permanent mating mark shows up on me and Rosita.

We all got back to the house at 5:00 AM we all left after we made sure Rosita was safely away from us and safely with V, two more nights of this shit we have to make sure she is safely away from us and locked up with V, I stopped short when I reached the house when I noticed V's car was missing," SHIT", I ran in the house past the guys and RM yelled up to me, " SUGA WHATS THE MATTER?", I ran up the stairs and into Rosita's room but when I entered Rosita's room I was greeted with and office space, I then ran across to V's room when I opened it and went in it looked like a tornado struck the place things where thrown all over the place and things were broken and the fire place was smoking as some ashes where smoldering still.

Rosita and V are sharing a room now?, I walked over to V's table where I found a note folded up and I opened it and read it," oh for god sakes V and Rosita are you stupid?", I rushed down stairs into the study where the others where and Jimin looked up and spoke, " woah Suga what's up where is Rosita and V at?", I sighed," their gone", J-Hope but in, " GONE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN GONE?", I opened the note, " I mean their gone and wont be back until the end of mating season it says it right here", I cleared my throat and began to read the note, " Dear Suga and Guys me and Rosita left for the rest of mating season, don't worry about where we are and do not try to find us because we will just keep running, we are safe and we have confidence that we are destined mates, all our love V and Rosita".

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