Chapter Twenty Three: They Found Me

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When Baekhyun opened the door he was standing in a wedding tux, what in the world?, " it was you this whole time, you where the man in the black hood that kept coming around Rosita?", he sighed and nodded and Jimin spoke after he caught a glimpse of something from touching the door while Baekhyun was holding it and he quickly pulled his hand away, " it's you, your the one that Mark is missing, your a part of SuperM", Baekhyun quickly shushed us, " yes I am and yes Rosita knows that, and I hate being a part of Marks damn group", we all looked at Baekhyun in shock and Jungkook spoke up, " But aren't you suppose to be dead?", Baekhyun spoke, " yes....I was dead but when Mark found out my connection to Rosita he changed me to torment me and Rosita".

We all looked at each other and I spoke up, " your the one who broke Rosita out of her Ripper Binge with your voice?", he nodded, " yes I am", V spoke now and I could hear the anger and Jealousy in his voice, " how did you even know Rosita was here?", Baekhyun looked at Jungkook then V, " because I saw that son of a bitch hurt Rosita and I knew for a fact she would come back here because I did when I went on my Ripper Binge", we all looked at Baekhyun and Jin spoke, " your a Ripper?", he nodded, " unfortunately", Jimin then spoke, " but how you weren't born a Vampire you where transformed into one", Baekhyun looked at Jimin, " if I knew that I wouldn't have the questions I have Jimin", Jimin looked at Baekhyun, " how do you know my name?", Baekhyun sighed, " the same way I know all of your names aside from Suga and J-Hope who I already met, I know your names because you where all Rosita ever talked and talks about, especially you", He pointed at V.

V looked surprised and pointed at himself, " me?", Baekhyun nodded, " Yes you....V....frankly I'm very envious of you, every conversation me and her had your name popped up the most out of any of your names, she even spoke more of you then she did her own Brother and cousin", V's face turned a little red and he nodded, " Suga but why are you in a", My words where cut short by Rosita's voice echoing out, " BAEKHYUN WHO IS IT?", Rosita walked to the door and she was in a wedding dress, what the hell?, I watched as V's face was filled with anger and hurt, Baekhyun smiled at Rosita, " you look beautiful Rosita and uh we have company look", When Rosita finally looked at us her smiled dropped and she was embarrassed to see us, " Suga? Guy's? how did you find me?".

I spoke up, " we read your diary which led us to Brooklyn, New York", Jungkook then spoke up, " and we followed your trail of Dead Bodies which led us to your cozy little birdies nest here....Miss Ripper", her eyes welled with tears, " FUCK YOU JUNGKOOK, and Ripper what do you mean Ripper?", she looked at all of us with fear and concern and I spoke up, " Jungkook keep your mouth shut you have done enough", Baekhyun and V both said at the same time, " thank you", then they both glared at each other and I spoke again, " can we come in Rosita and we can talk?", she sighed, " sure ill make us all tea", Baekhyun and Rosita moved to the side and we walked in and Rosita walked into the kitchen then looked at us with concern and spoke softly, " Jimin you mentioned that I'm the one Mark is looking for me?.....what do you mean by that?".

Jimin sighed and looked at me and I spoke, " while you and Rosita where here playing house Taemin stopped by our house and said that Lucas called and said something about they found their missing person, Taemin had also mentioned that they where coming here to kill you and that if Rosita got in the way they will kill her to, at first we didn't believe Taemin and then after he told us what he did we realized that Taemin took the big risk of his life not knowing if we would have killed him or that Mark would have caught him and killed him to warn us because he actually meant well", Baekhyun nodded his head, " trust me Taemin is trustworthy he was like me and forced to be part of Marks group as torture to himself and one other", we nodded and Baekhyun spoke, " just don't tell Rosita yet let me handle it....please".

We all looked at each other in doubt and concern but I nodded, " ok fine we wont say anything about Mark or SuperM or Taemin and ill let you handle it but if you do not go through with it Baekhyun I will tell her myself do you understand me, she's my baby sister and I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her or get her killed I don't care who you are to her that's including you Baekhyun", he nodded in agreement and we all stopped talking when we heard Rosita walk into the room and she gave us each our tea and we said thank you, but before I knew it she asked about it, "Ripper?....what did Jungkook mean about Ripper to me Suga?", I looked at Jungkook and gave him the most evil look I was able to give him, I looked at Rosita, " first sit down".

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