Chapter Seventeen: V

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We walked back home I carried Rosita and she clung to me like a lost child who was terrified but to be honest that's what she is right now she's a lost scared child...anyone would be if your memories of your true self all hit you at once and you had a hunger you couldn't satisfy, the whole walk home was silent and awkward until Suga broke the silence and spoke up, " so it's clear that Rosita's hunger has awakened in her drastically and so it also appears she has been hiding something from all of us as well, so now we need to lock her in her room and find out what she was hiding from us and why, who wants to take the first shift?".

"ILL TAKE IT", I didn't hesitate Rosita was promised to me first regardless of her family's curse and this mating season, Ill be damned if I let her wake up and see any of these other guys before me especially Jungkook who was giving me and evil glare along with my brother Jin and my best friend Jimin and Rosita and Suga's cousin J-Hope, I don't care if you all and that mystery man in a black hood are her potential Mates or not I will trump all of you and she will be mine she was promised to me not you all, it was signed off by my parents and her parents that she was promised and betrothed to me and me only regardless of this mating season bullshit.

My silent thoughts where broke by Suga," are you sure V it's going to be difficult and high meantness?", I looked at Suga dead in the eyes and spoke up, " I have never been so sure in my life I will be first watch I have been first watch for Rosita from day one and ill be damned if I stop now and let one of these other Neanderthals of her potential mates be her first watch got it", Suga nodded, " ok V when we get home get her cleaned up and changed and lay her in her bed and stay with her and once she wakes up let us know so we can figure out what she hid from us".

Jimin spoke up, " clean her up and get her dressed what gave him the rights to do that?", before Suga spoke I grinned and spoke up myself, " your not the only one who has seen her naked now Jimin ", Jimin went to go get in my face and I was ready to put Rosita into RM's arms and fight him but Suga got between us first, " THATS ENOUGH OUT OF BOTH OF YOU", Suga looked at both us and spoke again, " I know that you both have seen her naked and I know that Jungkook has seen her naked before to along with me and J-Hope because of me being her brother and him being her cousin, but I would trust V with that responsibility first before any of you".

I laughed as Suga kept speaking, " its final V is going to clean her up and change her and take the first watch of her and I will choose who watches her next if I don't just make it V with all of this fighting going on....I said it before ill say it again this fighting is going to get Rosita killed not keep her safe now shut up and get over it", we all made it home safe Suga and the other guys where fixing the window and I took Rosita to her room after stopping in my room and grabbing one of my shirts to change her into, she looked so beautiful in the moonlight.

I wanted to touch her and make love to her so badly but unlike my brother Jin and my best friend Jimin and that bastard Jungkook I know to leave Rosita alone in this kind of state, although it drives me absolutely insane and it kills me everyday not telling her that my feelings for her have nothing to do with this mating season that their genuine and real for her ever since we where little, I cleaned the blood off of her face and the little bit of blood on her neck and chest, I took off her bloody gown and threw it away and I put my oversized shirt on her.

This is what a husband does he takes care of his wife through sickness and health, I laid her in her bed and I laid beside her and covered us both up and gently touched her face, what secrets are you hiding from me Rosita?....what do you mean you almost killed your baby?, is there something your hiding from me and from us Rosita?, just please talk to me like you use to.....please, I laid there with her and I held her close to me, I heard the door shut the guys must have went out to hunt, especially after being around all that blood from the accident Suga called in and reported as animus, I felt my eyes close as I drifted off to sleep.

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