Chapter Nineteen: Jungkook Played Me

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I watched that bastard sneak out of Rosita's window, the nerve of him, I wanted to chase him down and rip his throat out but I cant risk getting caught by them....Rosita especially, no thanks to Mark, I sighed and climbed in through her window and I walked over to her bed side and I sighed and took my hood down, I smiled and gently sat beside her, she's so beautiful when she sleep's, I gently and softly caressed her face as she slept, call me a creep but seeing her beautiful face sleep every night beside me is what I always looked forward to at the end of my busy schedules, I cherished every moment and I still do.

I sighed deeply and spoke quietly, " oh Rosita....I don't know if you can hear me or not, but be careful with Jungkook....please he's playing you much as this pains me to say this but let go of Jungkook....go with V he truly loves you...he didn't mean what he said to you....he's not playing you Rosita.....or.....never mind I would be stingy saying or come back to me, because I never left or died that day....I was just reborn.....but that is only fantasy now.....but that would be nice to", I smiled as I felt a tear fall from my eye and I gently kissed her on the forehead and then softly on her lips, as I kissed her on the lips I didn't want to stop.

I wanted Rosita to wake up due to this sensation and see my face again and embrace me in her arms again and express and cry out on how much she misses me when I'm suppose to be dead, but sadly I couldn't no matter how much I wanted to, when I felt her begin to stir I quickly pulled away from her and put my hood back up and shot out her window and hid, I watched her wake up and smile that little smile of ease she has that I fell in love with, she looked around and called out for him, " Jungkook?", how the sound of that name angers me so much, I just wanted to barge in and tell her what I witnessed but I couldn't.

I watched as she stood up and threw on one of my old t-shirts she stole from me, I didn't even know she still had any of them, after she put it on she walked over to her window and looked around and called his name again, " Jungkook?", she's looking for him, I sighed, that ass hole, I watched her sigh and walked out on to the roof and sit on it and look at the sky, " maybe he went to get food?", I growled oh he went to get food alright but not the kind of food your thinking of, I went to go approach her when I stopped short when I saw her Brother walk out and call out to her, " well hi there sleeping beauty", she laughed a little and so did he and he sat beside her, all I can do now is watch from afar.

I woke up because I swear I heard talking, when I woke up Jungkook was missing, that's strange I swear he was asleep right beside me?, I sat up and called out to him, " Jungkook?", I was waiting for him to answer back, did he go to the bathroom or to get food or something?, I stood up out of bed and threw on one of Baekhyun's shirts that I stole from him when we first started dating and I walked over to my open window and stuck my head out and looked around and I called for him again," Jungkook?", I sighed and walked out on the roof and sat down and looked up at the sky, " maybe he went to get food", my sky gazing was cut short when I heard a familiar voice call out to me, " well hi there sleeping beauty".

I laughed a little and smiled as he laughed a little to and sat beside me and spoke to me, " about time your awake I thought you where never gonna wake up again", I smiled, Suga's smile slowly faded away, " so what you doing out here for?", I swallowed hard should I really tell him what happened between me and Jungkook?, Yea I should because I hid enough things from them, " honestly Jungkook was in my room with me last night and we made love and I just woke up a few minutes ago and he was gone", Suga looked at me with big eye's, " wait what?...Jungkook was in your room and you guy's had sex?", I looked at my shocked brother and he seemed concerned and mad but more concerned then anything.

I swallowed hard again and stuttered, " y-y-yea", he sighed," not gonna yell at you even though I want to but it's clear your not gonna listen either way and your a grown woman now your not that little baby sister of mine anymore....all I ask of you Rosita is to please be careful and don't trust Jungkook so easily and give your heart away so easily to him either Rosita....he may seem like he has changed Rosita but he has not he is still that playboy from high school he is always gonna be that high school playboy so just be careful ok", I quickly lost a lot of self confidence that I had regarded believing that Jungkook has changed but as I hear my brother's words and I cant help but think and be suspicious now.

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