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The Lopez family was back in Iowa, home where they belonged, all together.

Rebecca heard yelling coming from upstairs when she walked in the house after her appointment. She walked up slowly and poked her head into the guest bedroom that was slowly getting turned into the nursery.

She saw her husband with a paint roller in hand working on one wall and she looked to the left to see her three little boys standing at the opposite wall with tiny brushes in hand as they put the paint on the wall.

"What is going on in here?" She asked as she walked in the room

"We're painting" Tyler said as he looked up at her with a smile that matched his father's

"I can see that" Rebecca nodded "It looks like you're getting more paint on yourself than the wall"

"We're working on it!" Beckett exclaimed and Rebecca heard her husband laugh

"Well its looking good in here" she looked around at the pink walls

"I'm hungry" Beckett said as he placed the brush down in the pan and ran out of the room

"Me too" Tyler said following his brother's actions

"Wait for me!" Knox yelled after them as he ran out of the room as well

Colby turned to face his wife and she laughed as she looked him over

"What?" He asked

"You're covered in pink" she said "It's in your hair" she said

"You try painting with three four year olds" he said and she placed a quick kiss on his lips "How was the appointment?"

"Good" she nodded "She's measuring at 3 pounds" she ran her hands over her stomach "Right where she should be" she smiled

"She's as big as the boys were when they were born" he shook his head "How is your back?"

"Irritated" she said "Extremely painful" she said "but I've got ten more weeks to go"

"Do you honestly think you're going to go all the way until your due date?"

"I do" she nodded "I mean babies are rarely ever born on their due date but I think she might do it just to make you mad that you have to share your birthday" she said and he rolled his eyes

"Mommy!" The three boys yelled in unison from the kitchen

"I think you're on your own to finish the room love" Rebecca patted her husband's shoulder

"Yeah because apparently my crew has abandoned their job to go on lunch break" he glared at the paint with a shake of his head

Later that night, once the nursery was all finished and freshly painted, Colby got in the shower to hopefully get the pink specks of paint out of his hair, while his wife got the three boys ready for bed.

Once out of the shower he followed the sound of his wife's voice down the hallway. He looked into Knox's room and saw all three boys snuggled up together on the bed as their mother read them their story for the night.

He watched quietly as one kid fell asleep, then the next, and then the last. Rebecca sat the book down on the book shelf and sighed as she watched her children sleeping peacefully.

"Are you gonna come to bed or are you going to stare at them all night?" Colby asked in a hushed tone as he walked into the room

"I would come to bed, if I could get up" she said quietly

"You're stuck?" He asked with a small laugh

"Don't make fun of me" she shook her head

"I'm not making fun of you" he said as he reached for her hands and pulled her up effortlessly "I told you, you were going to regret getting those types of beds that sit on the floor" he said

"That was before I thought I'd ever be pregnant again" she said as she turned the light off and shut the door "Thanks for that by the way" she said as she walked behind him towards their room

"And yet again I find myself saying, you weren't protesting it during the process" he said and she rolled her eyes as she got into bed "All of our kids are fast asleep" he smiled and she shook her head

"Not all of them" she placed her hand on the bump and he smirked "You haven't felt her yet"

"Every time I've tried she thinks its hilarious to just stop moving as soon as she feels my hand"

"No" she shook her head "You just gotta catch her when she's awake" she grabbed his hand and placed it under hers

When Rebecca was pregnant with Alexander, Colby had only felt movement every so often, because he was constantly working and with the triplets it was rare because they were on top of one another and it blocked a lot of the movement. So being able to feel any movement at all was special for him.

It didn't take long for him to feel the jab to his hand and he looked up at his wife with wide eyes and she nodded.

"Ya know Knox actually helped her be able to recognize your voice" she said

"How?" He asked confused

Rebecca saw her son walk into the tiny room in the apartment, he had his iPad in hand. Luke had only agreed to letting the little boy keep the iPad on the strict instructions that the tracking would be turned off and so it was.

"What are you doing?" Rebecca asked as the little boy sat down next to her with YouTube pulled up and he had one of his father's latest promos pulled up on the screen, he pressed play and put the speaker next to his mother's stomach

"She has to know the voice she hears isn't daddy" he looked up at her and then back at the screen "This is daddy" he said to her stomach and Rebecca felt the tiny movements

"So Knox is the reason she knows her daddy's voice" she smiled and he shook his head "Are you crying?" She asked

"No" he shook his head "It's fumes from the paint, its messing with my eyes" 

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