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Rebecca was laying in the hotel bed watching Netflix when she heard pounding at her door and she looked at it confused before closing her laptop and putting it on the nightstand next to her. She thought if she was really quiet whoever was pounding on the door would go away.


She decided to get up and answer the door before whoever it was woke up the entire floor with the noise.

Walking over she looked out the peep hole and saw Colby still pounding on the door and she took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Yes?" She asked and he just stared at her "Do you need something?" She asked

"Do I need something?" He asked out of breath

"Are you okay? You're acting like you're about to pass out" she said becoming slightly concerned

"That may have something to do with the fact that I just ran 9 flights of stairs" he said and she laughed slightly

"There's an elevator" she said pointing down the hall

"I didn't have time for an elevator" he shook his head and she looked at him confused before she felt him grab her face gently in his hands and she crashed into him at the same time their lips met and she pushed away from him slightly

"W-What was that for?" She stuttered

"I've been wanting to do that since I talked to Ashley" he said with a nod and she saw his eyes roam over her and she folded her arms across her chest

"You talked to Ashley.." She felt her heart begin to beat wildly in her chest "What about?" She asked

"She told me" he said and he just stared at her waiting for her to admit it, but she didn't say a word "You're pregnant" he said for the first time and he felt himself smile a little bit as he said it

"I'm going to hurt her" she groaned as she walked past him and he watched her lay on the bed and look up at the ceiling

"Don't hurt her, I practically shook it out of her, she didn't want to tell me but I told her either she told me or I was coming here and wouldn't leave until you told me" he said and she stayed silent "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out" she sat up "Literally like six hours ago" she said and he nodded

"When I sat next to you in catering.. you knew then" he said and she nodded "and you didn't say anything"

"I don't know how you are so calm about this" she shook her head "I can't do this" she stated and in that moment he swore he felt his heart break

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he sat on the bed

"I can't be a single mother Colby" she shook her head and he looked at her confused

"Uh hi" he raised his hand "Remember me? I'm a pretty big part of this" he said

"I know that.. but I can't do it, he deserves two parents that are stable and love him, he deserves a stable home not bouncing around from place to place his entire life"

"You can't make that decision without talking to me" he shook his head "I have a choice in this too"

"What are you going to do? Take him yourself and raise him alone?" She laughed but quit as soon as she saw him staring at her without even a glimpse of a smile on his face, he was completely serious "Colby we can't do this"

"Why not?" He asked

"I just told you the reason, he deserves a stable home"

"He would have a home!" He exclaimed as he stood up "WE are his home"

"Colby" she shook her head "No" she said

"Try and explain this to me.. because I'm not getting it" he said as he sat on the desk

"I've explained it to you two times now.. what is there not to get?" She asked and he stared at her and she took a deep breath as she began pacing the room and running her hand through her hair "There is a time in my life for me to get pregnant and have kids" she nodded

"Okay.. so far we agree" he stated and he watched her throw her head back and take a deep breath

"This is not the time" she shook her head as she looked back at him with tear filled eyes "This is so not the right time" she said in a whisper

"Is it ever the right time?" He asked "Think about it, this happened for a reason.. everything happens for a reason.. we can do this" he said and he saw he was getting nothing other than more tears from her and he became quiet quickly "Alright" he nodded "So you're not budging on this are you?" He asked and she shook her head "Then what are we going to do?"

"What do you mean what are WE going to do? This is MY body"

"Yes and I respect that" he nodded "but YOUR body is carrying MY baby.. so like it or not WE are in this together" 

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