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Rebecca walked onto the ramp and saw her husband sitting in the middle of the ring with three little boys running around him in a circle. Those four seriously could be entertained anywhere, she could give them a stick and dirt and they would figure out how to have fun.

"What are you doing?" Rebecca asked with a laugh as she rolled in the ring
"You it!" Beckett hit Tyler and the little boy sat down next to his father
"Do you remember back when you were a kid and you played duck duck goose?" Colby questioned as he looked up at his wife and she nodded "Yeah.. this is that but the complete opposite.." He shook his head "They don't really understand how to play it the right way"
"Uh huh!" Knox said as he continued to run in a circle
"Daddy wrong" Beckett said as he chased his brother
"Well you're all gonna be wrong when you fall" Rebecca said
"We no fall" Beckett argued
"You're gonna get dizzy" Rebecca said and the little boy stopped and looked up at her with his little arms folded across his chest and she could see his tiny head slightly moving in circles but even at just three years old he was not about to let her win this argument
"I fine" he said and Rebecca laughed
"You no fine" Knox shook his head and Rebecca laughed

Rebecca made her way over to her husband and sat down next to him, they watched as their boys ran around after one another before one fell and then it was like dominos as the other two fell on top of one another.
"What did I tell you?" Rebecca questioned
"I wanted that" Beckett argued
"You wanted to do that?" Rebecca asked and the little boy nodded "Are you ever going to let me win an argument?" She asked and he shook his head
"Beckett wins" he smiled and Rebecca looked at her husband with a glare
"Don't you glare at me, that's your mini me.. I had nothing to do with his personality" he shook his head

Beckett was the second oldest but he was the debater of the three boys, he was the one that hated to be wrong and would kick and fight and scream until he got what he wanted. He wasn't one to back down from anything or anyone.

Tyler was the oldest but the quietest of the three, a lot of the times you could find him next to his father, He very much the daddy's boy of the group. Colby's mini me, anything his father did Tyler wanted to copy. If Colby wore a hat backwards one day, Tyler did the same, when Colby worked out at the gym little Tyler was right there next to him trying to copy.

Then there was Knox,

Sweet and innocent little Knox, the youngest of the three and still the smallest. Knox was every bit as adventurous as his older brother Beckett but he was cautious about it, he would want to take risks but he also wanted to make sure it was within the rules. Knox was often found attached to his mother's leg, he was the momma's boy of the three and Rebecca always said it was because he was the first one she held. Whenever Rebecca would have a match, little Knox was right there to watch intensely and if she got hurt or even looked like she got hurt nobody could console the little boy, not his father, not Ashley, Manny would try, so would Joe and even his brothers but nothing would calm him except his mother who he would run to as soon as he saw her and spend the rest of the night "Taking care of her" 110% Mommy's boy.

They may be identical and hard for others to tell them apart, especially if they were dressed alike but their personalities spoke for themselves and you could tell real quickly who you were dealing with just by how they acted.

Getting nothing but argument? You're dealing with Beckett
Getting nothing but silent stares? That would be Tyler
Getting the sweetest smile and manners? That was Knox

All three boys were wild and crazy and kept their parents on their toes but that is what Rebecca and Colby loved, that is what kept their days interesting and full of fun, it's what they wished for for so long.

Little Moments - Becky/SethDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora