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Colby watched his wife as she sat at the table outside while he paid and waited for their order. He wasn't taking his eyes off of her, he watched her mess with her hair, she was nervous. Why was she nervous?

He got their two coffees and walked out where she was waiting, he handed her the cup and she smiled as she inhaled the scent, even though it was decaf the scent was still a lovely thing.

"Walk with me?" He questioned and she nodded as she stood up they began walking, where? They didn't know, but they were going to see where they ended up, Rebecca knew how to get home from pretty much anywhere in the city

"This is nice" she said quietly "It's peaceful"

"No screaming kids to interrupt us" he said and she nodded

"Can we talk about what happened?" She asked and he looked over at her

"We can talk about anything you want" he nodded

"I honestly was beginning to think we were never going to get out, he made me sign the divorce papers and mailed them off" she shook her head

"I never would have believed them in the first place and even if I did believe it, I wouldn't have signed them" he stated

"He wanted to marry me, he wanted to get Knox's last name switched to his and he wanted his name to be on our daughter's birth certificate as the father"

"He wanted my family" he nodded "He wanted my whole world, because he was jealous"

"Psychotic" she corrected and he nodded

"I just want to know one thing, why Knox? I mean I would have preferred it to be nobody but why the most innocent and tiniest one out of the three?"

"He thought he could get away with more if he had the one that wasn't going to fight against it" she said "He didn't stop to think that it was the quiet one that would have the ability to come up with the plan"

"He said when I was putting him to bed last night that he had to do it, he had to save his sister"

"He's been talking to her since the beginning"

"She's a lucky little girl, she's going to have three older brothers looking out for her"

"And a dad that won't let anything happen to her, I feel sorry for whoever she brings home one day"

"Whoever she brings home? You mean like sleepovers?" He asked and she rolled her eyes

"I mean like dating" she said and she knew that he knew exactly what she meant but he was avoiding it

"Dating? What is that?"

"It's this thing that you and I did for a little while before we got married" she said and he nodded

"Sounds stupid, she's gonna hate it" he said "and if she doesn't I will make her hate it"

"She is going to be so overprotected" she shook her head with a smile "The poor girl"

"Have you thought about her name?" He asked as they came to a stop, sitting down on one of the many benches downtown

"I honestly don't know, I don't even have an idea" she shook her head

"Quin?" He questioned and she shook her head

"My brother has already got dibs on that name" she said and he huffed

"Something for your mom?" He asked and she shook her head

"She made us promise her we wouldn't name our kids after her"

"Damn" he shook his head "I have an idea" he said

"I'm listening" she said as she leaned into his side and reached for his hand

"There's one person we have to thank for all of this, the family, the life we have" he said and she looked at him confused "There was one person who convinced you to keep Alex, which is what brought us together"

"Fergal?" She questioned and he nodded "I love him but that is not what I'm naming my daughter" she shook her head

"No" he shook his head "Finley" he said and she stopped talking "Finley Alexandria Lopez" he said

"That's beautiful" she said and his eyes widened

"Baby don't cry" he said "It's just a name, we can pick something else" he said shook his head and she grabbed his face in her hands and gently captured his lips with hers

She pulled away and stared at him silently for a moment before she felt him wipe the tears from her cheeks

"I love you" she said in a whisper

"I love you" he said without hesitation "I love you so much" he kissed her once more

"We just named our daughter" she said

"Why is that making you cry?" He asked with a laugh

"Because I honestly didn't think we were going to meet her together" she shook her head

"We are" he nodded "We are going to meet her together, and raise her together, and fight her imaginary boyfriend together" he said and she laughed

"Finley Alexandria Lopez" she smiled 

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