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Three Years later

After bringing the boys home from the hospital after 75 days in the NICU the husband and wife duo quickly figured out a routine, they fell into parenthood effortlessly. Most people couldn't believe that the two never had children before with how well they handled it.

Rebecca and Colby said their careers were done, they said they were not going to go back to wrestling but when the little boys discovered wrestling for the first time they were just two years old and they kept pointing to the TV and would reenact the moves they saw on them.

It was Colby who called Vince first and had the first meeting and it was agreed that he would go back, Rebecca would go back and the boys would come with them but the family would not do the European or overseas tours.

Thats what brought them here.. They had bought a tour bus so they could keep the boys on somewhat of a normal schedule and a normal lifestyle.

Colby walked on the bus after media and saw his wife making breakfast as he was almost tackled to the ground by a little boy running at his legs

"Daddy!" Beckett yelled as he hugged his father's legs "You miss toons" he said

"I know, Daddy had to work, mommy watched cartoons with you this morning she sent me pictures"

"She take too many" he said and Colby laughed as he ran his hand through his son's hair

"Daddy!" He heard another tiny voice and was attacked from behind as another little boy jumped on his back from the couch and he reached around to hold onto the toddler

"Tyler" Colby looked back at his son "What have I told you about jumping on people"

"No no" Tyler said and Colby nodded

"Then why do you do it?" He asked

"It fun" Tyler nodded and Colby rolled his eyes

"Me Me Me" he looked to the couch and saw his third son jumping up and down

"Knox.." Colby said and the little boy jumped into his arms "Help!" He yelled and the little boys laughed "Mommy help!" He yelled and the little giggles filled his ears and he saw his wife walk up with a smile

"Tyler, Beckett, Knox" Rebecca said as and the little boys looked up at her with matching smiles "Come on.. you gotta let Daddy sit down" she said removing each child from her husband and he took his jacket off as he watch the boys hold tightly to their mother's legs and he sat on the couch "Attack!" Rebecca yelled and all three boys ran to their father and piled on top of him

"Traitor!" Colby yelled at his wife and she laughed as she moved back to making breakfast

The days were spent trying to control the tiny army that they created. Rebecca tried her best to get the boys off the bus and away from the venue in every town they went to, she tried to make sure she and Colby sat time aside everyday to do something as a family, whether it was dinner before the show or going to a park during the day. It was always something they tried to do.

Once the show began the boys were asleep, Rebecca and Colby would put each boy to sleep in their bunks, insuring the railing was locked so they couldn't fall out before they would get ready for the night. Colby and Rebecca took turns staying on the bus depending on who had to do what that night. It was a crazy life but they had it down and the little boys knew the routine.

Colby was the one who had things to do that night towards the end of the night, He left the bus once all three boys were asleep. Rebecca sat on the couch in the living area watching the flat screen TV that showed RAW.

She heard tiny feet on the hardwood and turned to see one of her little brown haired boys walking to her with his blanket in one hand, his two favorite stuffed animals in the other

"Knox watch Daddy" He said as he walked over to his mother

"Knox, you're supposed to be asleep" she said as the little boy climbed up on the couch

"Knox watch Daddy please" He said sweetly as he looked up at her with his big brown eyes, how could she say no to the manners and those eyes?

"Fine" she nodded "Knox can watch Daddy" she said and the little boy smiled "Snuggle in" she said lifting her arm so her son could lay on her chest

For the next 45 minutes all she heard was "Knox watch Daddy" and it kept getting quieter each time before she looked down to see the little boy fast asleep before Colby was ever on the screen.

Colby looked at his phone once more before heading out and saw a message from his wife

Wife😍: "Knox watch Daddy" he said over and over again, I wondered why he got quiet 😴

Wife😍: "Knox watch Daddy" he said over and over again, I wondered why he got quiet 😴

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