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The long car ride home was awkwardly silent, neither one said a thing to the other. They were just letting the news they'd just gotten set in for themselves. Neither one wanted to say the something they regret out of panic and fear, they needed to collect their thoughts separately before coming together and talking it out, this is how they handled almost everything, bad or good.

Rebecca walked into the house that Holly had thankfully put back together, she showered and came down the stairs in new clothes and she felt clean for the first time in almost 24 hours, she watched her husband pace the length of the living room with his hands on his hips as he took a few deep breaths.

"We need to talk about this Colby" she said

"I don't know what you want me to say" he said

"I can see you freaking out" she said

"Of course I'm freaking out!" He yelled "Why aren't you freaking out?!"

"Because if you're freaking out and I'm freaking out then who the hell is supposed to calm us down?" She asked "One of us has to be levelheaded" she said and he threw his head back in frustration

"Do you really want me to talk?" He asked

"Wait!" She said and he watched as she disappeared into the kitchen and then she came back quickly and sat on the couch with her legs under her and a carton of ice cream in her hand "Okay go" she nodded

"Three?" He said in barely a whisper "Three kids.. three kids the same age, I mean we knew two was possible but three?"

"I told you it was possible, at least I'm not like the lady that had eight" she said and he rolled her eyes

"How can you joke about this?" He asked

"Because I'm scared" she said with a shrug and he walked over to sit next to her "I mean you're freaking out and scared because there's three.. but I'm actually the one going through it, there's three tiny humans inside of me.. that is fucking terrifying"

"We're gonna need a bigger car" he said

"Forget the car, we're gonna need a bigger house" she looked at him "I'm gonna need my mom" she said

"Do you think she'd move?" He asked and she shook her head

"No way" she said "but we can move closer to her"

"Like us move to Ireland?" He asked and she nodded "What about my mom?" He asked

"Would she move?" She asked

"To a different country? Not a chance" he said

"Oh so its okay for my mom to move to a different country but yours no way"

"I didn't say that" he shook his head "but all of our stuff is here, the school, the coffee shop, my family"

"All of YOUR stuff is here" she corrected "I moved from L.A to Iowa for you, I quit my career to give you children, I've done everything for you, I've sacrificed everything for you"

"I didn't ask you to do that.. that was your choice" he said and her jaw dropped

"Wrong thing to say" she said shaking her head as she stood up and walked towards the kitchen to put the ice cream away and he followed her

"What did you want me to say? You were the one that agreed to marry me, you are the one that said you wanted to elope, you are the one who wanted to start having kids"

"Don't throw all of that on me" she shook her head "I agreed to start trying for kids because that's what YOU wanted.. once again, something for you" she said

"Oh my god!" He yelled as he ran his hand over his face "If you're so tired of everything and you didn't want to do anything then leave! You can leave at anytime!"

"Are you serious?!" She yelled "You think I would leave now? I'm carrying your kids! Your THREE kids!"

"If you're not happy that doesn't matter" he shook his head "If you're not happy just leave" 

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