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A/N: Hi loves! I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying the story and I love reading your lovely comments on every chapter, they truly do make my day! You as always are getting a lot of chapters at once and that's just simply because I'm just as bored as you all probably are in the quarantine and have all the time in the world to write. So I hope this gives you a little escape from reality for a while and you enjoy it. With that being said you might want to grab your tissues for this chapter because its going to be an emotional one..**

Rebecca walked into Alex's room and saw her husband taking the name off the wall. She stood against the door and watched him silently. She watched him place the wooden letters in the closet and he turned to face her with a small smile.

"We need to get this room ready" he said and she nodded "I want to paint over it, fresh canvas"

"You put so much work into painting it.. days" she said

May 2017

Rebecca walked up the stairs and stuck her head in the room where Colby was working, she looked at how he carefully applied the blue paint that they spent hours in the paint store deciding on.

"It looks good" she said and he turned to face her with a smile and she laughed

"What?" He asked "Why are you laughing?"

"You've got paint on your nose" she said removing the paint with her finger quickly

"I'm not a painter, you're lucky that any of it is getting on the walls"

"Could have fooled me" she said as she looked around

"Alright you've seen it.." He said pushing her gently towards the door "Fumes.. out" he said

"Dinner is ready" she said and he nodded

"I'll be down when I'm finished" he said as she walked out of the door and he shut it to keep the paint fumes contained

"I'll work just as hard next time" he nodded and he watched her move to the dresser

"If we have a boy you're gonna regret painting over it" she said

"If we have a boy you're going to pick different paint colors and make me stand in that same spot as you go back and forth with the same four color choices"

"Probably" she nodded "Aw" she said as pulled the faux leather bound photo album out of one of the drawers and he walked over to her as she opened it "He was so perfect" she said and he nodded as she looked at the pictures they'd taken that day

June 15th 2017

Colby felt Rebecca grab his arm as she stood next to the ring at the academy and her nails dug into him causing him to look down at her

"What?" He asked "What's wrong?"

"Pain" she said in a whisper "Sharp pain" she let go of his arm and made her way to check herself and he followed

He waited outside of the bathroom until he heard her scream and he didn't even care about what it was going to cost as he knocked the door off its hinges

"What? What's wrong?" He asked and he saw the blood pooling at her feet and her face began to go pale quickly

"Something's wrong" she said in a whisper

They wasted no time in getting to the hospital, with that amount of blood and the amount that just kept coming out it was terrifying.

It was all a rush when they got there, it was a rush of nurses and specialist taking vitals and putting IV's in, trying to find the baby's heartbeat which was dangerously low.

They were there a total of 45 minutes when Colby was being ushered into an operating room and Rebecca was in and out of it as she laid on the table and a blue sheet separated them so they couldn't see what was happening.

The amount of blood that began to spill onto the operating room floor was like a crime scene.

"The cord is around his neck" Colby heard the doctor say and he looked at Rebecca whose eyes were slowly closing

"Rebecca" he said "Hey! Look at me" he said and her eyes opened slightly before closing again

"Is he okay?" She asked in a struggled whisper

"They're getting him out" Colby nodded "You're doing so good.. just keep your eyes open" he said

An hour later Holly walked into the hospital and her son was sitting on the floor against a wall. She walked over to him and he looked up at her with a shake of his head and she could tell he'd been crying.

"There was so much blood" he said in a whisper as she bent down next to him "His cord was around his neck twice and in three knots" he explained

"He's okay though.." Holly said and Colby shook his head "He's fine" she said

"Rebecca hadn't felt him in a day but she just thought he was tired.. he'd been so active a few days ago so she didn't think anything of it.. but she didn't feel him at all today and when they got him out he was gone" he said

"How is Rebecca?" She asked and he shrugged

"They won't let me in there.. they've been in the OR for over an hour and all I know is they keep giving her blood because she's losing so much so quickly.. she was unconscious when they kicked me out"

"Do they know what caused it?"

"They said the placenta detached which is what caused the bleeding.. the cord being wrapped around his neck and in knots.." He shook his head "Its something they hadn't seen on ultrasounds or they would have went in and got him earlier, the nurse said it had to be like that for a long time and as he grew it just got tighter and tighter until it completely cut off the blood flow to him.. I saw him for a few minutes, they're getting him cleaned up before they bring him to the room for Rebecca to see him, she wants to see him"

"Does she know?" She asked

"She was still awake when they got him out but once he was out she went unconscious" he shook his head "He looked perfect mom, he looks normal.. just like he's sleeping" he said

"He will always be perfect" he nodded in agreement

"Our little boy" she smiled slightly as she ran her finger over one of the pictures "Our perfect perfect boy" 

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