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Colby walked into Knox's room where the little boy was playing with his Lego set Fergal had bought him a few days prior. He watched the little boy's mind work, he watched him figure out how to put the set together. He knew that he was smart, he knew he could figure out how to problem solve and he was just as ready for school as his brothers.

"Daddy play?" Knox looked up at him and held up one of the pieces and Colby smiled as he walked over to his son and sat on the floor next to him

"Do you feel better?" Colby questioned and the little boy nodded "What was that all about this morning? Why were you crying?"

"Mommy no go" Knox said with a shake of his little head

"Knox, you know Mommy's not here right now.. she's at the store"

"She come back" Knox said with a nod

"You know Mommy was going to come back and get you from school, we weren't going to leave you there forever"

"Knox don't like school" he shook his head

"Knox, you were there ten minutes.. you didn't do anything but cry, how do you know you don't like it?"

"Mean kids"

"Mean kids? What are you talking about? You weren't there long enough"

"They laugh at me" he looked up at him as his eyes started to fill with tears "You a baby!" He yelled and pointed

"They said that?" Colby asked and the little boy nodded

"I not a baby! I just want Mommy" he said

"That's what made you cry more..they were making fun of you" Colby said and the little boy nodded

"You have to go to school Knox, Mommy and I have to figure out what to do"

"I stay home" Knox said "Mommy teach me"

"Knox.. Mommy can't teach you and then your brothers are at school"

Colby heard Rebecca walking up the stairs and saw her walk into the room with a small smile and a few things in her hands.

"What do you have?" Colby asked as his wife sat next to Knox

"Knox.. Mommy's got some important stuff for you" she said and Colby looked at her confused

"I like prizes" he said with a smile

"I know you like surprises" Rebecca nodded "These are very special" Colby saw her place one of her action figures on the table "Whose this?" She asked

"Mommy" Knox nodded as he picked the figure up with a smile

"That's right" Rebecca smiled "I'm gonna put her in your backpack, that way you can always have Mommy with you and you don't have to be scared.. sounds good?" She asked and the little boy nodded "You've got to take care of it and not lose it" she said

"Promise" the little boy said with a nod

"This next thing" she pulled out two bracelets "Is something special.. lets put it on you" she said and she slipped the bracelet on her son's tiny wrist and secured it and then put the second one on herself "Watch this" she said and she tapped on the bracelet that was on her wrist and she saw Knox's eyes light up "Feel it?" She asked

"Tap Tap Tap" Knox said as he tapped his bracelet and Rebecca smiled as she felt the tiny vibrations on her wrist

"Every time you tap on your bracelet Mommy will be able to feel it and I'll tap back so you know I'm right there next to you"

"Mommy next to Knox" the little boy nodded and tapped on his bracelet and looked up at his mother to see if she would react and she did and tapped back 

Little Moments - Becky/SethDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora