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Two months after clearing Alex's room out they began talking seriously about the future and what was next in their lives as far as their careers were concerned and the couple came to the agreement that this was it, the next chapter in their lives was where the focus was going to be from now on.

It was a hard meeting with Vince and Hunter when they dropped the bombshell of retirement on him, he was angry that he was losing two of his top stars but he also knew that there was no swaying them. He told them the door was always open for them to come back if they ever desired it.

That was three weeks ago.

Rebecca woke up before her husband, looking at the man who was sprawled out beside her, his hair that was in a bun when they fell asleep was now a tangled mess in his face. She silently laughed to herself before quietly getting out of the bed, careful as to not wake him up, he was not a morning person in the slightest and especially not when he was woken up before he was ready.

She managed to slip into the shower, taking her time, letting the water wake her up as it rolled over her body. She dried her hair with the towel and placed it in a bun on top of her head before grabbing her workout clothes out of the dresser quietly.. which was difficult given the squeakiness of the drawer, Colby really needed to fix that, add it to his list.

Walking down the stairs, she was followed by Kevin, who was eagerly expecting his breakfast as she walked into the kitchen.

She put her mug under the Keurig and turned it on before feeding and watering the dog.

Once Kevin was taken care of she grabbed her coffee, putting her cream and sugar in it and making her way to her morning spot outside in the sun.

That's where she would sit, enjoying her coffee, the book she was reading and the time to herself.

Colby woke up around 10 in the morning every morning and was always met by the same thing, a good morning text on his phone from his wife, telling him his coffee was waiting in the coffee pot for him when he woke up.

He slipped from the bed to the bathroom where he would step in little droplets of water from his wife's shower and he would roll his eyes, wipe up the water with the towel hanging over the hook and place it in the hamper. This was an everyday thing for him, He had told Rebecca multiple times to make sure she wiped up all of the water on the floor after her shower which she would say she did but in reality she didn't, he was beginning to think it was just done to annoy him.

After his shower was over he would change into basketball shorts and a black t-shirt.. he really needed to fix that dresser, he thought to himself.

He made his way down the stairs, greeted Kevin who was laying on the couch and playing with his favorite blue stuffed bunny that was almost as big as him. He grabbed his coffee from the coffee pot that had been automatically started 20 minutes before and kept warm until he turned it off.

He would make his way out the sliding glass door to the back deck where his wife sat on the lounging couch, he would make his way over to her quietly, careful not to interrupt her reading.

Knowing where he was going she would lean up as he sat down next to her and she would lay her head in his lap not once pulling her eyes away from the words on her book as his hand ran through her hair and he drank his coffee.

That was their routine.. everyday.

Retirement was treating them well. 

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