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Rebecca got her kids out of the backseat of her car and they began to run into the house

"Wait for me!" She called but they ignored her and ran straight into the house, she knew Colby was home already and she wanted to be the one to tell him about Luke and she knew she wouldn't have that opportunity if her kids got to him first

Too late.

When she walked in the door she saw Tyler running to his father and pulling him from the office

"What? What's wrong?" Colby asked

"Bad man!" Tyler yelled as he pulled his father

"What bad man?" Colby asked

"Luke" Knox spoke up and Colby looked to the little boy

"Tyler hit him" Beckett chimed in

"He likes mommy" Tyler said and Colby looked to his wife as she walked into the living room

"Uh.." He said "Explain" he said and his wife looked at the boys who were staring up at her and then back at him "Hey guys" he bent down "Who wants to jump on the bed?" He asked

"We not allowed" Knox said shaking his little head

"Well today you are" Colby said "Go! Jump! Have fun!" He said and all three boys ran up the stairs

"Colby!" Rebecca glared at him "They'll break a bone!" She said

"Don't break anything!" Colby called up the stairs and Rebecca rolled her eyes

He watched her move to the kitchen and he followed her, waiting for her to explain what his sons were talking about.

"Rebecca.. stop stalling" he said and she shook her head, running her hand through her hair

"There's nothing really to explain, Luke showed up at the park and I told him to leave and when he didn't your son pretty much took care of that"

"Yeah he hit him, I got that" he said

"No" Rebecca laughed "He did more than just hit him, he kicked him and he hit him and he probably still would be doing it if I hadn't pulled him off of him"

"Good" Colby nodded

"Good? How is that good?"

"I know I've got somebody to watch out for you and protect you when I'm not around"

"He's three!" Rebecca exclaimed

"and it sounds like he hits like he's thirty!"

"Colby" she shook her head "He needs to know he can't just hit people"

"Did you tell him that?"

"Yes but he doesn't listen to me, he only listens to you.. you need to talk to him"

Colby walked up the stairs and saw his sons jumping up and down on his bed and laughing. He grabbed Tyler off the bed in his arms and the other two boys stopped and looked at their father.

"Alright guys.." He sat down "We need to talk one to three" he said

"We in trouble?" Knox asked "You said we can jump!" He exclaimed and Colby shook his head

"You're not in trouble" he shook his head "but we need to talk about what happened today with Mommy at the park"

"We take care of it" Beckett said

"Tyler hit him" Knox spoke up and Colby looked down at Tyler who was sitting on his lap staring up at him

"Yeah" Colby nodded "That's the problem, alright look.. I'm glad that you three want to protect your mommy, I love that.. but you can't just go around hitting people"

"but he bad!" Tyler exclaimed

"Yes he is and he knows it.. he knows he's not allowed to be around Mommy and he knows he will get in trouble for that.. but you all have to make me a promise right now, you don't EVER hit another person. I don't want you to get hurt.. you've got to do what mommy says or what daddy says, no matter what. We know what is best for you three and you have to listen"

"Promise" Knox said with a nod

"Promise" Tyler stated quietly with a small nod

"But!" Beckett said and Colby rolled his eyes, of course, there was always one that was going to argue

"But nothing" Colby shook his head

"We protect Mommy!" He argued

"Mommy can protect herself" he said and the little boy folded his arms across his chest in a huff

"We protect baby sister" Beckett said

"Yeah!" Knox said with a nod "We protect baby sister!" He yelled and Colby looked at Tyler who silently nodded

"Rebecca!" Colby yelled 

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