A Hero

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"Maria who?"

"Your friend,...Mrs. Benz, it's their party." Noah replied as a matter of fact.

"I don't know any Maria Benz." Sydney seemed confident and this made Noah narrows his eyes.

"She always got so emotional looking at Amber,...and she got our kids quite expensive gifts last month and they love her a lot."

Sydney's face was of shock as she repeated, "I don't have a friend,..."

"Maybe she is your childhood friend you can't recall. Don't overthink. Plus, she is my friend's wife and...could be trusted." Noah said with a reassuring smile but for Sydney, all her alarms were ringing at loudest.

The first thing she does was to grab her cell phone and write the name but the moment she was about to click search her cell phone rang with Mrs. Saad's caller ID.

"Hey, how are you..."

"Nick got his leg fractured." Mrs. Saad told her.

"How?... Where is he?" Sydney panicked imagining the pain her child must be in. And, here she was thinking he is having fun in the play he was performing today.

"He has plaster and he is fine but,...he is scared and he wants you," Sydney's heart dropped when she asked,

"Can he talk to me?"

"No, he is under sedatives." Mrs. Saad sounded tired,

"I am on my way,...I am coming," Sydney said before hanging up and hear Mrs. Saad telling her to be careful.

Walking out of Noah's office she located him talking to Claudia and was quick to draw his attention.

"Noah! Nick got his leg fractured I need to leave for Manhattan,"

"Oh! I will come with you," Noah responded but Sydney was quick to ask,

"Who will stay with kids then? I will be fine."

"We have staff at home," Noah tried to make a point,

"We can't,...leave them on staff.," Sydney leaned in to hug him before adding,

"Just,...just tell them I will be home soon." Noah wrapped his one arm around her body before gesturing Claudia to make arrangements for her travel.

She stayed anxious in her whole flight. But looking at the car waiting for her already she knew she wasn't alone in this. She had someone who was thinking about her comfort.

The car stopped in front of the clinic and she walked quite impatient with the ward boy to Nick's room to found him sleep. He was still in his superman costume and a tear was dried on his right cheek. She was horrified looking at the huge plaster on his leg and couldn't help but give a peck on his lips and make him stir in his sleep.

Nick could smell his mom around and opening his eyes he found his mother's worried face.

"Mommy," Nick gasped before attempting to sit up but Sydney was quick to lean in and hug him hard.

"I am so sorry, mama." Nick was quick to add,

"It's fine, honey." Sydney pecked on his head and he kissed Sydney's nose.

"Is it paining?" Sydney asked,

"No,...but,...it pained a lot. Will, it hurt if I move it?" Nick asked Sydney and Sydney nodded before saying,

"You have to be very limited in your moves,...are you hungry?" Sydney asked and Nick nodded his head in yes.

Sydney served him some soup that Mrs. Saad left for Sydney. Nick smiled looking at his mother before informing her.

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