His secretary

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He opened his eyes to the empty bed. But soon his ears met with laughs and cheerful shouting. He walked to the window to see Amber and Gideon running while Sydney was making failed attempts to chase them.

In her blue T-shirt and black pajamas, she looked like a college girl while kids were still in their sleep wares. A smile stretched on his lips as he imagined Sarah at her place. But things were not the same.

But they indeed took a great turn. Far better than his father's or grandfather's married life. In a second, anyone could tell how much Sydney was compassionate and tender-hearted. If it wasn't Sarah no one else could be at Sydney's place.

He looked at Sydney's smile and wonder if he had missed Sarah after marrying her. But first of all, he needed to know who she was? All the basic info on her. Even without all this info, he has faith in her. She emitted energy that seemed so pure and beautiful. It made her glow.

"Daddy,..." Amber shouted looking at him and he passed a smile before coming down. He walked to the kids where Sydney seemed to be out of breath and tired while kids made fun of her.

Appearing behind the kids he caught them in seconds and took them to Sydney. "Tell me what to do with them?" Noah asked while Sydney's mouth dropped and kids shouted, "Daddy!" so he could let them go,

"We were playing, let them go," Sydney came to hold Gideon as he complained,

"You cheated daddy,"

"I only helped your mom," Noah defended himself.

"You are at my side," Amber told Noah.

"Yea, I am at my baby's side," Noah said before kissing her cheek and made her laugh.

"What you two are doing here without taking your bath?" Noah asked the kids,

"We were playing?"

"I don't want to bath." Gideon and Amber replied simultaneously,

"Sandra!" Noah called for their old maid who wasn't standing too far.

"I will bathe them," Sydney offered,

"You can't do this every day." Noah casually said as the matter of fact and Sydney replied,

"I would love to do that." Kids smiled and started walking home when Sydney whispered to him,

"I have already lost a lot, Noah. A lot I don't even want to think about," And the moment Noah found her face a little sad he hugged her shoulder before looking at the kids.

"I am sorry,..."

"I am fine," Sydney smiled and accepted the kiss Noah leaned in to give her.

Sydney got the kids ready while Noah prepared the breakfast. He wanted to do something for kids too. And, he was indeed appreciated.

The more Sydney looked at her family on the breakfast table the more she regretted the years she couldn't spend with them. And, it was all because of that old bones and Jasper.

She lost to the moment when she finally got away from that devil and reached her place. And, how they made her leave the place without telling her about Noah's resting place.

All this time she believed Jasper took care of her by introducing her to Mr. and Mrs. Saad but only now she realized that he broke her trust the most. If it wasn't for Nick she would have lost her sanity.

"Noah, I was thinking to leave for Nick. You see he can't travel on his own." Sydney started the topic the moment their driver started the car.

"Oh, yea, when you want to leave?" Noah asked,

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