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"Where am I?" She whispered looking at the interior of the room while her chest heaved.

The memories of the last night flashed to make her cower but she felt different. Removing the covers she looked at her body and gasped. "What,.....what?"

Her lips trembled while eyes dared to spill the tears as she looked at her belly.

It was huge not the way she recalled. What?

"You are up?" She heard Noah say before she looked up and shivered. She looked at his stoic expression. Is he going to hit me? She tried to move but wasn't accustomed to her own body and looked at her belly again.

"They are fine, don't worry," Noah said while rubbing the back of his neck. They, she thought.

Soon, she looked at someone entering their room with a table from the corner of her eye but she couldn't stop looking away from Noah's hands.

She recalled how he threw punches on her yesterday.

A sob escaped her lips that she tried to muffle with her hand on her mouth. Tears spilled as she closed her eyes recalling all that begging she did for him just to handle her like she was some punching bag.

"Are you fine?" Noah asked the moment he noticed her state. He looked worried as he took a place beside her for her just to farther away while shaking her head in no.

"Sydney, I swear nothing happened. She is nothing." He tried to explain while her hand came forward to rest on her belly as she tried to make some more distance between them. And this made her look at her belly again.

"Out," He ordered the maid.

"You are fine, just breathe," Noah whispered to her panic state but she wasn't listening to him she would look at her belly or his hands.

"What's wrong with me?" She whispered to herself looking at her belly.

"You are fine," She heard him say, "Our babies are perfect too," He added and her eyes darted to his face. Taking her still state as her calm he informed while getting up to take the meal from the trolley. "You should have something. You were out for hours"

Her instincts only told her one thing. Run!

The door of the room was away but she noticed another door at her left. She noticed his gaze at her but decided to get inside and lock the door at the speed of light.

"Sydney, are you fine?" She heard him say,

With her hand on her mouth, she tried to muffle her cries. "Sydney," This time his voice was soft but she knew his real face. He was a beast just like any other person in this world. She looked for an escape but couldn't find it. A huge window with a thin curtain informed her that she was on some top floor. The estate was huge but not something she can recall.

"Where am I?" She whispered,

She tried to recall anything but couldn't.

"Sydney, say something. You are scaring me." She heard Noah and only panicked. She knew he was sweet-talking just to get her out of here,

Thousands of possibilities roamed in her head but the worst was to get herself in his hands again. The pain was fresh in her mind and she was surprised with the absence of scars and bruises on her face. She looked perfect in that huge mirror except for one thing. The huge bulge ahead of her that made her sob loud.

"Sydney, open the door or I will have to break it." Noah's voice boomed from the other side of the door and she looked at the door in pure horror. She tried to look for the escape or anything but find nothing except a razor.

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