The end! Or is it?....

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            They took Virgil and Logan to the hospital. Logan was going to be fine but Virgil..... didnt make it. Everyone missed Virgil but Logan took it the hardest. The others tried so hard to help him but he didn't want anything to do with anybody.

            Roman and Patton finally announced that they were dating to everyone. Remy has been trying to flirt with an oblivious Emile but every time he fails.

      They finished their last year of high-school and moved into the same neighborhood. Patton and Remy opened a bakery/cafe that Roman sometimes helps at. Roman is mainly focusing on acting but loves to help Patton and Remy out. Emile got a job as a therapist for a near-by college. Logan is currently going to said college for a major degree in English. Remus is now working as a youtuber and Deceit is now working as a bartender for a casino.

     They all live relatively close to each-other and often hang out. Patton and Roman bought a house and are now living together, Emile and Remy live closer to the college in their own house, Logan is staying at a dorm on campus, and Deceit and Re are living in the same neighborhood as Patton and Roman.


                    ???? POV

I yawn and stretch. Wait- Where am I?! Memories start coming back to me but there is something I can't place. "Hm it must have been a dream!" I mumble to myself and stand up. Oh- I have to get to my dorm today! I run into the bathroom and start to brush out my bleach-blonde hair. "Ugh why are so curly?!" I say to myself as I look at my hair in the mirror. I look at my two different coloured eyes and smile.  I love my heterochromia, it makes me feel unique. My family doesn't even look like me! I have one blue eye and one green eye. I finish my routine, brush my teeth, get dressed and pack my bag.

    I walk downstairs to see my mom downstairs in the kitchen. "Morning mom!" I say while grabbing a piece of toast off my brothers plate. "Goodmorning to you to! Hey dont steal your brothers food!" She said while hitting me gently on the head. I shrug and here my little brother come down the stairs. "Verne! Why do you always take my breakfast!" Lincoln complains while taking his plate. "Because Naomi eats weird things and Mom practically inhales Coffee." I said while sitting down, finishing my piece of toast. "Hey! Just because I put Strawberry sauce on cereal doesn't mean I'm weird!" Naomi shouts at me and I just roll my eyes. "You dont even put milk in it! And who the hell puts strawberry sauce on their cereal!" "You dont even eat! How ould you know?!" Me and my sister continue to argue until my mom comes up and hits us both on the head with a newspaper. She sits down and starts to eat her breakfast.

      That's when I notice how much my family looks a like, but I'm a bit different. Naomi has dark blonde hair with brown eyes, Linclon has the same hair but grey eyes, mom has dusty brown hair and brown eyes and dad has dark blonde hair with grey eyes. And I'm the only shape-shifter in the family, everyone else is a vampire! Wait.... am I adopted?....

     I shake my head to clear those thoughts and stand up. "Well I better get going to campus, I have classes next week and I want to settle in first." Mom got up and hugged me. "Are you about to cry?" I said while looking at my mom. She smiled and shook her head but I could see tears in he corners of her eyes. Naomi and Lincoln hugged me. "I'll miss you guys to, but I promise to come and visit.... eventually..." I mumbled the last part but Naomi still heard me. She pinched me in the arm. "You better!" "Ok ok I will!" I put my hands up in surrender.


     I pulled into the driveway and got out of my car. Apparently I'm going to have a roommate so that's not going to help my social anxiety. I grabbed my bag out of the back and walked into the building. I found my dorm and knocked on the door. A Male that looked maybe a year or so older than me opened the door. He looked familiar, but I knew I would've remembered who he is. "Hi, I'm Verne Macchiato,  but some people call me anxiety." I said and smiled. The Male infront of me seemed to freeze then he seemed to snap out of it.

     "I-Im Logan Williams."

  And thus it is the end of the book! But dont worry! Sequel is coming to you soon!

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