Day 2

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        //Virgil pov//

I yawned and got out of bed. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table. 3:30
I know I'm not gonna get back to sleep so I get up and stretch. I look around my new room that Patton help me set up yesterday. It had dark grey walls which I hung some MCR posters on. My bed had a dark brown bed frame and dark purple sheets. I was to tired to hide my tail and I figured no one would be up so I slipped on black sweatpants and a light purple long sleeve shirt with a lightning bolt on it. I was about to grab my beanie to hide my ears but I decided not to. I opened my door and walked into the kitchen. I filled a glass with milk and took I drink when I heard something drop in the living room. Hopefully it was a ghost and not someone up. I walked into the living room to find Logan half awake working on something. A rush of anxiety overflew me but was soon replaced with an idea. I sat down beside Logan which seemed to scare him. "V-Virgil?" I hush Logan and gently push him making him lay down on the couch. I started to hum a lullaby while grabbing a blanket from a chair. Logan was already asleep by the time I covered him with a blanket. I looked at the mess on the coffee table and decided to clean it up.

      +=Logan pov=+

I rubbed my eyes and got up to find myself on the couch. I remember working on a project for school then hearing someone sing but then it's all black. I look over to the coffee table and grab my glasses. I put them on and notice my papers stacked neatly with a sticky note on the top. I look at the note 'nice essay nerd'. Roman wouldn't bother to clean up a mess let alone read. Patton was a possible choice but he doesn't use the nickname 'nerd'. So that left one person, Virgil. I made a mental note to thank him later. I got up and walked to the bathroom. My hair was a mess and I had light bags under my eyes. I fixed my hair and went to my room to get dressed. I slipped on a black turtleneck since it was rather cold. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans. Once I was dressed I went into the kitchen to find Virgil. He was making coffee and humming a tune which I assumed was Disney. That's when i noticed Virgil had two fluffy black cat ears sticking out of his hair as well as a black tail with a white tip. "Salutations Virgil." I said calmly which made Virgil jump. "O-oh hey Logan." Virgil said when I assumed he noticed it was just me. "Coffee?" He asked giving me a little smile. "Yes thank you, for that and for last night." Virgil seemed to realize something and I presumed it was his ears and tail. "I-I u-uh-" I noticed Virgil's breathing was starting to turn shaky and he looked like he was on the verge of crying. I stepped toward him and pulled him into an embrace "Virgil breathe, just mimic my breathing." I said while grazing my hand through his hair being careful not to touch his ears in case they were sensitive. After a minute or two Virgil's breathing turned normal so I let him go. "Are you ok Virgil?" He nodded in response. "Thanks L-Logan, d-do you m-mind keeping t-these a secret." Virgil said mentioning to his ears with his hand. "Of course, anyways I'll be in the living room in you need my help."

        \\Virgil pov\\

As soon as Logan left the kitchen I could already feel the heat raise to my cheeks. Goddamn it Virgil! Your second day here and you already failed at keeping your secret. I shook the thought from my head, after all for some reason I felt comfortable with Logan knowing.

                    Time skip~

It was around 4:30 and I knew the other two weren't up. I got up from my bed and took my headphones out. I walked into the living room to find Logan still working on his essay. "So why are you writing an essay about fire magic?" I said while sitting down beside Logan. "It's the magic we're learning in my class. It's actually quite fascinating, but I am really intrigued in air magic, I was doing a little research and found that if a witch's main magic is air in some occasions their mood can change weather." I continued to listen to Logan talk about different types of magic. I found it amazing how he remembered all this stuff. "I talk a lot don't I?" Logan snapped me from my thoughts. "Oh it's okay I actually think it's cool." I curled my tail around leg. "I do have a question though." "What May that question be Virgil?" "What's your main magic?" Logan seemed to beam a little at the question. "My main magic is ice and snow but I can do a few water spells as well." After a while I checked the clock 5:15. "I'll be right back Lo I'm gonna get sweatshirt since the others will be up soon." I walked to my room and slipped on my sweatshirt. I picked up my beanie from my dresser and put it on hiding most of my ears but just to make sure I flipped my hood up. I also hid my tail using what little magic I had.I heard a door open and walked out to find Patton.

                  <3Patton pov<3

I woke up and stretched. I looked at my alarm clock, 5:20. Just enough time to make breakfast! I got up quickly and put on a comfortable cat hoodie as well as some sweatpants. I stretched my wings a little and walked out my door. I turned just in time to see Virgil walk out of his door. "Good morning kiddo!" I waved to Virgil while making my way to the kitchen but just stopping when I saw Logan surprisingly not working on something even though there were a stack of paper on the table. "Good morning lo!" I say while grabbing two empty coffee cups off the table. "Logan you out of all people should know having two cups of coffee in the morning isn't healthy!" I turned to see Virgil let out a small giggle,"one of them are mine pat." Virgil replied sitting beside Logan."Logan was up at like 3 in the morning, half asleep working on an essay. So I made him fall asleep and kinda just chilled until he woke up again." "Woah there kiddo didn't know you were a vampire!" I said jokingly while walking to the kitchen.

             Time skip~

I was almost done breakfast when Roman walked into the living room. He was wearing a plain red long sleeve shirt and blue jeans. He looked rather tired. I finished up but since it was really hot I went out into the living room. "Long night kiddo?" I ask Roman who nodded in agreement. "I'm auditioning for a lead role in the school play and I stayed up late to make sure my lines were perfect! I barely got any beauty sleep!" Roman said dramatically flopping onto the couch. "Psh beauty sleep wont help your looks princy." Virgil said while scrolling on his phone. The two started to bicker so I went and set breakfast on the dining table. "Roman, Virgil no fighting at the dinner table okay?" Roman was about to answer when I cut him off. "Breakfasts ready!"

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