Day 62

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    warnings: blood, angst, gore?

   //Virgil pov//

    I woke up to the sound of a camera. I tried to get up and noticed something. Logan had his arm around me and I was nuzzled into his chest in my human form. If Logan's asleep then who has the camera. I turn my head a little careful not to wake up Logan and find Roman leaning against the door frame of Logan's room with his phone out. I slipped my arm out of Logan's grip and flipped him off. "Breakfasts ready lovebirds." Roman said teasingly waking Logan up. Roman walked out leaving me and Logan alone. Logan sat up quickly blushing. I sat up as well and I could tell I was a blushing mess as well. Logan started to apologize but before he could finish I cuddled back into his chest, now I normally wouldn't do this but its freezing! Logan rapped his arms around me and I felt safe. I started to purr and and looked up at Logan who surprisingly gave me a smile. I smiled back and then remembered. "We have class!"

     Once me and Logan were ready we grabbed our bags and ran into the kitchen. "M-morning" I said out of breath. Patton's said his goodmorning to me and Logan and then I looked at the clock. "I have to go pick up my brother and his girlfriend since his car broke down, so see ya!" I said walking towards the door. "Virgil if you don't mind I would like to join you." Logan said while walking up beside me. "Sure specs." We got in the car and I started to drive to my brother's apartment which was a lot farther from the school that it should be. I got out of the car to see my brother, Deven waiting for me with his girlfriend. Deven had black hair like me    but had spots of white on his ears and tail. He was wearing a simple orange sweater and Jean's. His girlfriend, Lacey was a werewolf, she had dark brown hair with green eyes that were similar to Roman's. She was wearing a light grey skirt with a white shirt that said "busy sister". I waved and they walked into the car. "Oh hi Logan!" Lacey said cheerfully. "You two know each other?" I ask and they both nod. "Infact we do, I met Lacey at a park with her brothers, Roman and Remus." I knew she looked familiar. "I can see the resemblance between you three."

         The drive to school was pretty uneventful, it was just small talk and joking around. I dropped Deven and Lacey off and drove to our section of the school. Even though Deven and Lacey were a year younger than us they still had to go to a different part of the school for some reason. Me and Logan walked into the school and dropped off our bags in our lockers. "Bye Lo." I wave to him and walk to my classroom.

By lunch I still hadn't heard or seen from Logan and my anxiety was getting to me. I kept my gaze on the entrance to the cafeteria. I saw the school gang called "Sharpteeth" walk in and I immediately knew something was wrong. I ran out of the cafeteria and kept my ears perked for anything. I transformed into my cat from and I caught Logan's scent.... and blood? I followed the scent and it lead to a small empty classroom. I transformed into my human form and opened the door. The classroom was insanely dark but I heard a small sob and a groan of pain. I pulled out my phone and used the light of it to find the source of the sound. I turned my phone towards a far corner of the classroom and froze. From what I could tell Logan was definently beat up. I ran to his side and started to dial Patton. "Hey Pat I need you here asap! I'm at the Mrs.Murrys art classroom." Logan was trying to talk but I put a finger to his lips and hugged him. Logam started to sob into my shoulder and I pulled him closer. "Shhh it's ok I'm here." I started to rub circles into Logans back to calm him down a little. His breathing got a bit better but was still raspy and he was shaking. "Patton will be here soon but for now you've got to stay with me." I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks but ignored them. I noticed a Vampire bite in Logans neck and felt a wave of aggression wash over me. The next time I find those rocking brats I'm going to kill them! My eyes started to adjust to the dark room and took a better look at Logan. He had a black eye and other bruises along his arms. He had a slash across his shoulder presumably from a knife and was bleeding by other scratches and cuts. I looked around the classroom and saw some cloth probably from an art project. I grapped a long piece of cloth from the table and held it against Logans shoulder to hopefully stop some of the bleeding. I looked Logam in the eyes and saw his expression was full of sorrow and disappointment. Logan leaned against me and fell asleep in my arms. I kissed the top of his head and not long after Patton came bursting through the doors.

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