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   Roman pov

"Hey Ro!" Patton said cheerfully while sitting down beside me. Me and Patton had been dating for a while but we both decided to keep it a secret cause we were both afraid of certain people finding out. Patton put his head on my shoulder and folded his wings back. "Hey Pat, hope you don't mind but my vampire friend is coming over." I said while pulling Patton a little closer. Patton seemed to shiver when I mentioned a vampire. "Hey you okay angel?" I gave Patton a kiss on the forehead and he seemed to relax a little. "Y-Yeah!" Patton said with fake enthusiasm. I was about to ask him about it when there was a huge crash.

Virgil pov

  Me and Logan were sitting in his room talking about when he was going back to school. "I still don't see the point that I had to miss a week of school." Logan said adjusting his glasses and sitting down on his bed. "You get to go back tomorrow anyways, your lucky you weren't Zoren or me, I think I might get suspended." I shrugged and sat down beside him. "Why?" Logan asked with surprisingly a little worry in his voice. "I may have broke Zorens arm cause he stepped on my tail and ya know him attacking you." I looked at Logan and could feel panic rising up inside me. "Well I guess he does deserve it. He has done this before to other kids." Logan stated blankly. "Oh good now I don't feel as bad." I looked to Logan and I was shocked. He looked like he was about to cry! I pulled Logan into a hug. "Thank you Virgil, but I really don't want you to get suspended." Logan said while wrapping his arms around me. "I'll try not to." I started to purr and lay my head onto Logans chest. There was a loud crash, so me and Logan got up and walked out. The door was knocked down and beside it stood a male holding Starbucks. He was wearing a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans. He had black sunglasses and brown hair. "Sup b¡tches! I brought starbies~" I saw Roman and Patton get off the couch and walk over. "Remy?" I asked confused. "Oh hey Virgie! I didn't know you lived with RoRo, I would've brought you one!" Remy said while handing a drink to Roman. I heard Patton mumble under his breath. I turned to Logan.... he seemed.... angry? "Oh don't worry but you do owe us a new door."I said while pointing to the broken door on the floor. "Oh sorry hun! I ain't no architect but I can pay you." Remy said while taking a sip of his own drink. I saw Logan tense up out of the corner of my eye. Was he jealous? I had to stop myself from laughing. "Well see ya!" I said while grabbing Logans hand and dragging him back to his room. We sat down again and I looked Logan in the eyes. "Are you jealous?" I asked giving him a smirk. I saw a blush creep up on his face and he nodded. I let ou a small purr. "Dont worry Lo, Remy always talks like that to everyone. Imagine how Patton feels." Logan looked at me a bit confused. "But Patton isn't actually dating Roman." I felt a little bit of hope light up inside me. "Oh and we are?" I said while smirking. Logans face got redder and then he took a deep breath. Logan mumbled something while looking away. "Are you okay Lo?." I said while moving my hand on top of Logans. Logan looked back at me and intertwined his finger with mine. I accidentally started to purr. Logan started to pet me with his free hand once I noticed something. I could see something glowing. I grabbed Logans arm and rolled up his sleeve and saw a bunch of glowing swirls up his arm. I looked to Logan and saw a faint glow near his chest. "They go all along my chest and arms, they start to glow sometimes though." I nodded and got up and grabbed a magic book off his shelf. "We could try to find out why you have them." I said while handing the book to Logan. "That sounds satisfactory." I turned into my cat form and curled into Logans lap and listened to him read.

The next day at school me and Logan were called into the office. Our principal, Mrs. Heather was sitting at her desk and gestured to the two chairs. "I want you two to tell me everything about what happened." Logan nodded and we started to tell the story. After we finished Mrs.Heather didn't seem that angry. "I understand why you attacked him Virgil, being a neko who can use Charm or Scare gave you a need to protect someone important to you. You two are dismissed." Me and Logan walked out of the office and down to our first class which luckily we had together. We walked into our English class and sat down. Our teacher Mrs.Lion nodded and continued explaining the assignment. We had to find a spell, recite it and write down how to reverse it with a partner. While everyone was splitting into groups some students would send me looks, either scared or questioning. Me and Logan started to talk about the project and decided to go for a portal spell that anyone with level 4 or higher in magic could use. The bell rang for our next class. "See ya at lunch Lo! Be careful." I walked out of the classroom and waved goodbye to Logan. My next class was defense and offense in the gym. This class was basically telling us how to defend ourselves, but it was only for werewolves, nekos, ect. The teacher called my name and I walked to the middle of the gym. She must have heard what had happened with me and Zoren cause she sent up a kid who probably would actually kill me, Remus. The other students started to whisper and others seemed to get excited. Remus transformed into his wolf form and I transformed into my small cat form. Remus pounced at me and I dodged. Remus turned his head and snapped at me so I clawed his muzzle. And this was how most of the fight went, Remus trying to land a blow and me dodging. I heard the crowd of students boo at us. Remus transformed into a bigger way bigger wolf and I felt myself tense up. One hit of his paws and I would get squished. I transformed into my panther form which was a bit bigger than Remus. Remus lunged at me and I ducked. I ran towards the wall Remus on my heels. When I was about to hit the wall I bounced off it and Remus flew into the wall. I pounced on Remus pinning his head down with one paw and my other holding his chest. He started to claw me with his back paws so I dug my claws into his stomach and head causing him to Yelp in pain. I heard the teacher blow her whistle and I let Remus go. I transformed into my normal form and noticed I was bleeding from a scratch on my cheek and arm. Remus on the other hand had claw marks on the side of his head and had a small gash in his stomach. I whispered a sorry and he just gave me a thumbs up. I the others until the bell rang.

    I walked into the cafeteria and made my way towards where Remus, Damien and a few other wolves that were in Remus's pack. I waved to Patton, Logan and Roman and mumbled 'ill be back'. I sat beside Deceit and he nodded clearly understanding. Damien was about to start talking when one of the wolves started to growl. "Who gave you permission to sit at out table? If I were you I would suggest running back to that little witch of yours." The wolf replied aggressively which I just smirked at. "Oh I don't know, also who died and made you alpha?" I replied and gave him a smirk. Remus shot the wolf a glare and he shut up. "Anyways Vee so now that you have fucked Zorens reputation to now he looks like a cowering rat does this mean your like the new Zoren?" Remus asked fiddling with a fork. "First sorry about the whole attack thing, second what do you mean?" Damien snickered at this for some reason. "What Remus means is that are you taking Zorens place as the scary vampire or in your case neko of the school." I tilted my head to the side a little still confused. "Dude have you not heard the rumors going around? People are thinking about carrying weapons around because of the sh!t you pulled with Zoren!" I nodded and turned to Damien and felt a grin tug at my lips. "So hows Remy, I haven't seen him since he broke down our door." Damien hissed causing Remus to laugh. "Yeah how is he? He cant be to bad considering I saw you making out with him in the halls yesterday." Deceit started to blush like crazy as me and Remus continued to laugh.

Logans pov

I still didn't understand why Virgil went to go talk to Remus and Damien, nor do I understand why I feel so angry about it. Yes I don't particularly enjoy the two but for some reason Virgil going to sit with them made me angry. I was brought out of my thoughts when someone snapped their fingers infront of me. "Hey Kiddo, you okay?" I nodded but for some reason I still couldn't get the thought out of my head. "Okay calculator witch, there is defiantly something wrong, you just zoned out again!" I shot another glance towards Virgil, who was now laughing with Remus which made my anger increase a little. "OMG. Are you jealous?" I turned my attention back to Roman and Patton, which they both seemed overly excited. "My apoligies Roman, I don't understand what your implying." I stated simply pushing my glasses up a little. "Logan. How have you not noticed?! Your jealous that Virgil went to go sit with Damien and Remus!" I felt a little heat raise to my cheeks but quickly shook it off. That would explain why I felt anger towards Remus and Deceit just for Virgil to go and sit with them. "I guess I am feeling jealousy towards Remus and Deceit." I said which caused Pattons wings to spread out in excitement. "Does that mean you like Virgil?" I was at a loss for words. I couldn't possibly love Virgil, I just cant! Theres no way my curse could be broken just like that. But before I could respond Virgil came over and sat beside me. He looked worried and almost frightened, I would have to ask him later about it. Roman winked at me and he and Patton got up and left. Virgil gave me a confused look but I just Shrugged. Virgils Expression changed, he now looked like he was about to burst into tears. "Lo, c-can we go to the forest ehind the school? I need to talk to you." By the tone of Virgils voice I can tell something is up. We both got up and walked out of the cafeteria and school and into the forest. I sat beside a large tree and Virgil sat beside me. "Are you okay Virgil?" Virgil started to cry a little. "This isn't about me its about You." I looked at him confused. Virgil took a deep breath and started to talk. "Deceit told me everything, how you were cursed, and about Zoren. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me you cant fall in love.

2026 words? Longest chapter we've had yet! See you soon noodles, poodles and nonbinary doodles!

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