A very mad kitty

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Thanks to A_account_name for the suggestion! I actually needed someone to piss off Virgil in this chapter so thank you!(also got rid of the day thing sorry)

Third person pov

As soon as Patton got there he started to heal Logan with the best of his ability. They eventually took Logan to the school nurse with the help of Roman, being the only one strong enough to carry him. Logan had to stay at the dorm for a few days while the whole thing was sorted out. Virgil of course was very hostile towards the sharpteeth members who were a little hostile back.

//Virgil pov//

Roman, Patton and I were talking in the hallway. I looked at Patton confused when he sorta shrank back and looked at something behind me. I looked at Roman who seemed to be quietly growling just loud enough for me and Patton to hear. I felt a sharp pain in my tail and let out a sharp yelp and spun around hissing like crazy. The Male standing in front of me was a vampire named Zoren, who was the leader of The Sharpteeth. Now most nekos would run away due to our shy nature but you see I was way to pissed off at this jerk. Now people have stepped on my tail by accident but when it's a person I hate I can be rather aggressive. I glared at Zoren and suddenly the hall went dead silent. I could feel my temper rise up and I turned into my panther form. I could see a flash of surprise and even fear and Zorens eyes before I tackled him. Zoren wasn't really putting up a fight but I was. I heard a loud snap and backed off of him. I roared aggressively and Zoren got up holding his arm and ran off. I transformed into my human form and wiped off some blood that was around my mouth. I looked at the other members of Zorens gang and I swear I heard one squeak in fear. I walked back towards Roman and Patton and the hall suddenly filled with whispers.

   I walked into my first class of the day and immediately all eyes were on me. I sat down in the back of the room and started browsing on my phone. I perked my ears up to a group of students sitting a few desks away from me to hear what they were saying. "He took down Zoren just because he stepped on his tail!" Clearly everybody hadn't heard of what happened to Logan. "I think we should stay away from him, he might attack us next." One of the boys in the group flashed a glance at me which I saw from the corner of my eye. "Well I think it was pretty cool! Cause I don't think anyone else would step up to Zoren let alone attack him!" I was about to listen more when a student sat next to me. He was wearing a black beanie which hid one of his horns, he had dusty brown hair and one dark brown eye and the other a yellow snake eye. One half of his face was covered with scales and he had a scar on his cheek. He was wearing a black jacket with ripped Jean's and high top boots. "What do you want Damien?" I put my phone away and waited for him to speak. "Ok first rude second dude what was that all about in the hall way?!?" Damien asks looking at me with curiosity in his eyes. "Oh yeah I just totally attacked a gang leader for no reason at all except stepping on my tail!" I say rolling my eyes and getting attention from a few other students. "Yeah that's not it." Damien said a bit of attitude in his voice. "No sh¡t sherlock." I snapped back then continued. "Zoren beat up Logan and I don't mean just a black eye he looked like he went through hell and back! I was so fed up with his bullsh¡t already and then he decides to step on my tail on purpose!" I ranted to Damien who had a look of shock on his face. "Are you sure that's all he did?" Damien whispered with a look of worry on his face. I looked at him confused. "I'll tell you at lunch." And just as our conversation ended our teacher walked in and shot me a sideways glance. She began the lesson but I couldn't seem to focus. Was Logan in more trouble than I thought?

Wow two chapters in one day! Anyways thanks again to A_account_name for giving me the request! See ya later danger noodles, poodles and nonbinary doodles!

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