Friend like me

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Ok before this starts I sorry XD I was watching a lot of Disney and got an idea to put a song in here sooo lol. But I changed the lyrics a little to fit with the story UWU have fun!

Logan pov

I grabbed my things and left the hospital. On my way to the apartment I got a call. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. Roman was calling. I answered. "Is Virgil okay?" I asked. I heard princy scoff over the phone. "Why hello to you to, and to answer your question no I don't think hes ok." I started to panic a little and started to tap my foot repeatedly. "What do you mean?" I asked trying to hide the worry in my voice. "Well ya see he kinda maybe sorta was hanging out with Lesley, was being extremely rude to me and Patton and his eyes went orange." I stood there frozen in place trying to go over what I just heard. I sprinted towards the apartment and slipped almost falling into the lake but caught my balance on a tree. "HOLY SH!T!!!" I hung up on Roman and made my way into the apartment.

I cant believe I was held back by the hospital. I was supposed to go home days ago but at least im here now. I walked into my room and sat down on my bed. I noticed something sticking out of my journal so I went over to my desk and opened to that page. I saw a picture of Virgil and a note.

'Sup Lo

I know your probably thinking, why did I leave? Well if I didn't it probably meant Patton, Roman and you were in danger and I couldn't risk anything happening to you guys. Im sorry for everything that happened and just wanna let you know, if you idiots actually try to rescue me, which I know you will here's the apartment number A23. Its the tallest apartment building and nearest to the theatre, there you will find clues on how to get in, have fun on your scavenger hunt! And please don't be sad, I know somehow you'll find a way to rescue me, you always do.

Love Virgil~"

I felt a few tears go down my cheeks then wept them away. Now was not the time to cry. I'll go to school tomorrow and see what's going on then i'll start on a plan.

      I walked into school, Patton and Roman following behind me. I looked around the halls for any sight of Virgil. "That's one of Remy's friends, Aids and cheerio." Roman said pointing to two freshmen. "Maybe they've seen Virgil!" Patton said. I nodded and we walked towards them.

    The first one was a male sorcerer with dirty blonde hair and green dyed tips and green eyes, he was wearing a blue jacket with black sweatpants. The other one was a female neko with dark brown hair, brown eyes and lighter brown ears and tail, she was wearing a white sweatshirt with cats on it and jogging pants that said 'You've cat to be kitten me right meow.' I cringed at the pun but started to talk anyway. "Salutations, I'm Logan Williams and my two friends are Roman Royals and Patton Heart, we were wondering if you've seen Virgil Storm nearby." The neko giggled. "I'm Cheerio and  my watermelon friend over here is Aids." The neko said which got her a glare from Aids. "I told you to stop calling me that." Aids said lightly punching her in the arm. "Sheesh sorry, anyways yeah we've seen him. He was by Mrs.Vans class." Cheerio said and pointed farther down the hall. "Also I'm sorry Lo, I feel so bad for what happened with Virgil but I was an a angsty mood that day and needed to add more drama to the story!" I looked at her confused. "How do you know about that?" Patton asked. Aids facepalmed. "Stop breaking the fourth wall, cmon we gotta get to class. " Aids said while pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Ugh your no fun, bye!" Cheerio said and walked down the hall Aids following. I watched them go and saw Vampire come up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder then she elbowed him in the face and Aids began to laugh at the situation.

   I began to walk down to Mrs.Vans class and saw Virgil and some blonde sorcerer with him. Virgil looked different, he was wearing a black leather jacket and.... an orange t-shirt? Virgil hates wearing orange. I walked up to him but Roman and Patton stayed where they were. "Hey V." I said calmly. The other guy glared at me. This must be Lesley, the guy Patton was talking about. Virgil turned around and his now orange eyes flashed back to his purple eyes for a second then turned back. "Well look who's out of the hospital!" Lesley said chuckling. "Logan Williams, I've heard a lot about you from Virgie, kinda sounds like a one-sided love story to me." Lesley continued smirking, but not the good kind the evil type of smirk. I shrugged. "Well from what you just said, yes I can tell your story is quite one-sided." I said then looked to Virgil. His eyes turned back to purple while he laughed. A look of surprise and anger appeared on Lesley as he watched Virgil laugh. "Shut  it Virge." Lesley said then snapped and Virgil immediately went quiet and his eyes back to orange. He must be using some sort of control spell, maybe I can find someone who has the same power.

   Lesley looked back to me. "Well anyways nerd, it's almost class time and we should be going." He walked off Virgil following but I saw him glance back at me and smile as his eyes flashed purple.

  I walked back to Roman and Patton who were staring at me shocked. "And of course the only one who can talk to Virgil without getting insulted is the nerd, should have seen it coming." Roman said. I rolled my eyes. "Do you two know any other sorcerers in the school?" I asked and Patton nodded. "Emile Shell, well he mostly is, he's half angel. I think he has the power to sense people's emotions." Patton said. I recognized the name, he was the junior school therapist. "Aids has the power to sense spells and create portals." Roman chimes in. I nodded and began to walk to my class. I waved goodbye as I entered the room.

    I walked into the cafeteria and walked over to Patton who was on his phone. I sat down and Patton looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Lo!I hope you dont mind but I invited Cheerio and a few of her friends." Patton said and looked around the cafeteria. I saw Cheerio, Aids and three others enter the cafeteria. The three included a female centaur, the vampire from earlier and a female elf. The centaur had short blond hair, green eyes, glasses, and was wearing a light blue sweatshirt. The vampire had dark brown almost black  hair, tanned skin, red eyes, and was wearing cargo pants and a black sweatshirt. The elf had light brown hair in a ponytail, brown eyes, a lot of freckles and was wearing black tights and a grey t-shirt.

   Cheerio whispered something into Aids ear and he facepalmed. Cheerio shrugged and began to hum the other four joining in.


C+G+T: "ba ba ba, why oh my, ba ba ba, why oh my, ba ba ba why oh my, ba ba da"

L: well Ali Baba had them forty thieves

T: Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales

A: But Logan your in luck cause up your sleeves,

C: you got a brand of magic that never fails!

G:  you got some power in your corner now!

L: some heavy ammunition for your camp!

A: You got some punch,
L: pizazz!
G: and how!
C: All ya gotta do is ask!

L: and I'll say,

All: Mr.Wiliams Sir what will your pleasure be? Let me take your problem and solve it hopefully! You ain't ever had a friend like me! Hey hey hey!

L: life is your restuarant and I'm your maitre'd!
L + A: cmon whisper whatcha want, you ain't ever had a friend like me!

C: yes sir we've prived ourself of service
G: Your the boss, the king, the show!

T: say what ya wish, it's your tradish
L: what about getting back  the thing you want?

G + T + C: We'll try to use plan A, and all of plan B! I'm in the mood to help ya dude, you ain't ever had a friend like me!

   The cafeteria seemed to sing along like this was a normal thing. Roman, Deceit and Remus got up and came and sat beside me and Patton.

  Aids put a magic lock on the door as Lesley tried to leave. Virgils eyes seemed to flash purple and Cheerio pulled him up and sat him beside us.

A: Can your friends do this?
Aids sang while making a portal.

L: Can your friends turn into a bat?

T: Can your friends do a lap around the school in ten seconds flat?

C: can your friends go poof! Well lookie here!
Cheerio said while turning into a small brown cat.

A: Can your friends go abracadabra, let er rip, and then make a sucker dissapear!
Aids sang while pushing Lesley into portal when he ran up to them.

T: Dont sit there slack jawed, doing nothing! We're here to help you with your midday crisis!

G: You got us bona fied, certified!

L: You got a team to help you with your wrecked affair!

C: Patton asked us to help, for what? We already know!
T: You gotl a problem that's gonna be more than 3 steps long no doubt,
G: Well you should start right away soo,

All: Mr.Williams sir have the help of two or three, we're here to help and that's what we'll do

           You ain't ever had a friend
     ever had a friend ever had a friend
        You ain't ever had a friend like me!

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