Day 1

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~*Roman pov*~
Me, pat, and lo, are cleaning up the house for our new roomie. I decided to start with the living room. I start to fix the couch and put away blankets from last nights movie marathon when patton walks in and gives me a glass of water. "Thanks padre!" I say joyfully and start to wag my tail. Me and Patton start to talk about our new roomie. "What type of species do you think he is?" I ask. "Hmm... OOH! What if he's a vampire! I would love to have someone to fly with!" Patton said while spreading his white feathery wings. Patton is an angel which exsplains his sympathy for everyone, his kindness, and his extraordinary power to tell how someone feels. "Vampires give me the creeps! I hope it's another werewolf like me!" I say dramatically which earns me a giggle from Patton. "Hmm what if it's a witch like Logan!" "Oh goodness gracious! We don't need another calculator watch talking around spells and everything else he does." I say while putting away some movies.

Time skip~

We finished the dorm after a few hours but my oh my did it look dazzling! I grabbed my dorm keys and waved goodbye to the two nerds and walked into the hallway of the dorms. I walked down the hall and out the glass doors. I eventually made it to a park that was nearby and sat down under a cherry tree. I pulled out my sketchbook from my bag and started to sketch the pond in the middle of the park. After a while a blossom landed on my face. I brushed it off and heard a meow. I looked up and saw a black cat with purple eyes and a white tipped tail. The cat raised paw and shook one of the branches and down came a few more blossoms. I made a small clicking noise trying to get the cat to come down, but instead all I got was a hiss. It didn't bother me at first so I sat down and started to sketch again. I heard a small thump and turned to see the cat jumped off the tree and was walking away. After another hour or two in the park I got tired and decided to head home. When I got to the lobby I looked at the clock and remembered. The new roommate! I rushed up the stairs and started to rush to the dorm. Patton's gonna Kill me! I eventually reached our dorm and I was out of breath. I caught my breath and opened the door. As soon as I walked in I was immediately pushed to the couch by Patton. "Cmon sit down! Our new roomie will be here soon!" So I made myself comfortable on the couch. Eventually the witch himself walked in with a book in his hand and sat down. We heard a knock on the door followed my a muffled "hello?". A rush of excitement and curiosity flowed through me while Patton got up and walked to the door.

//Virgil pov//

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It'll be fine Virge. "Hello?" Within a matter of seconds the door was opened to reveal an angel with light brown hair, blue eyes, glasses, and freckles. He was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt with grey sweatpants. "H-hi, I'm V-Virgil s-Storm." I said trying my best not to stutter but failed. "Hi there kiddo! I'm Patton heart! Make yourself at home!" Patton said while moving aside to let me in. I walked in to see two other males my age. One was a werewolf that looked prince like, he had caramel brown hair ears and tail, deep brown eyes. He was wearing a red sweatshirt with blue jeans. The other was much more sophisticated. He had dark blue eyes with dark brown hair. He had glasses and was wearing a black t-shirt with a necktie and grey jeans. "That charming werewolf over there is Roman royals! He's one of the alpha wolves at our school!" Patton interrupted me from my thoughts that's when I recognized Roman from the park. I was watching him draw when I decided to shake one of the cherry tree branches. Roman did a dramatic pose "the one and only!" Roman said dramatically and at that exact moment I knew he was a theatre geek. "And the nerdish witch over there is Logan Williams." Roman said while gesturing to the more sophisticated male. "Neat." "Anyways I'll help you unpack your stuff kiddo!" Patton said cheerfully while leading me over in the direction of a hallway with multiple doors.

~*Roman pov*~

When I could clearly see our new roommate I could already tell he was emo. He had raven coloured hair which faded into a dark purple in the ends, he had purple eyes with black eyeshadow under them which made the bags under his eyes even more emoish. He had a dark grey beanie on a swell as his hood of the black sweatshirt with purple patches he was wearing. He had black ripped jeans on aswell. When Patton started to introduce me I did a dramatic pose and responded. "The one and only!" I said very prince like and dramatically which earned me an eye roll from Logan. "And the nerdish witch over there is Logan Williams." I saw while using my hand to gesture towards Logan. Patton went to help Virgil unpack so me and Logan went to sit on the couch. Logan grabbed a book from the coffee table and started to read. One thought kept swarming my head though I swear I recognize those eyes. I shook the thought out of my head and turned to Logan. "Hey specs what do you think Virgil is?" "Well he does have fangs but he doesn't have the certain type of fangs so he isn't a vampire, he isn't a witch I would've been able to sense his magic, he has a lack of wings so-" "I said what he is not what he isn't." I interrupted Logan just wanting a normal answer. "Well then I think he might be an animal species or a hybrid." "What about his ears and tail then? I didn't see them." "Well Roman some animal species are able to hide their ears and tails but it is very rare."
Hmmm another animal, hopefully just not a cat.

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