A random character description

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Ok here's a little character description of the four just because, also it gives a few hints to the next chapters uwu

Virgil Storm: known for snarky remarks, quick comebacks and over all being a huge emo mess. His personality is your typical stuck up emo and is only comfortable around friends.

Gender/sexuality: Male, Homosexual

Popularity status: medium, other students are either impressed or scared of him, due to him attacking a stuck up jerk.

Age: 17, senior year

Species/magic: Neko, can transform to either a small black cat or a panther, due to cat like features has enhanced hearing and sense of smell.

Disadvantages: Major anxiety, dislikes water, bad past.

Looks 1 (human form): Raven coloured hair with dyed purple tips, purple eyes, naturally light skin, black cat ears, black cat tail with white tip. Hides freckles under makeup.

Looks 2 (cat/panther form): Fully black except white tipped tail. Purple eyes.

Family: Devon Storm (brother), Violet Storm (sister, dead), Darius Storm (father), Bellum Floral ( Mother, dead)

Significant other: none, but has a romantic interest.

Logan Williams: Known as the "smartest kid in school". Used to be bullied from time from time but nobody messes with him anymore due to one of his best friends (a certain emo) standing up for him. Many people find him boring but when you get to know him he can be a pretty interesting guy.

Gender/sexuality: Male, Homosexual

Popularity status: medium, used to be known for tutoring and helping but now for having what other students keep calling "Gaurd cat".

Age: 18, senior year

Species/magic: Sorcerer/wizard, mainly uses water and air magic. If he tries hard enough can create portals or levitate objects.

Disadvantages: Has a hard time expressing emotions to almost everyone (except with a certain cuddly stuck up emo cat uwu~). Can sometimes overwork himself.

Looks: Has dark brown hair, dark blue eyes. Has a bunch of dark blue swirls across chest to shoulders that glow sometimes.

Family: Elizabeth Williams (Mother), Derance Berry (Father, left when he was 11)

Significant other: None, but has a romantic interest.

Roman Royals: Known as one of the most popular kids in school, an alpha wolf, and the president of the theatre club. Some people think he is a stuck-up jerk who is to busy keeping up with his reputation to care about people's well being, but Roman changed since he was in middle school and now if you get to know him you can see he is just a misunderstood theater nerd.

Gender/sexuality: Male, bisexual

Popularity status: Very high, being the president of the theater club and an alpha wolf get you a lot of popularity.

Age: 18, senior year

Species/magic: Werewolf, can transform into a a caramel coloured wolf the size of a husky or a bigger wolf the size of a great Dane.

Disadvantages: Has a huge ego and a short temper. Tends to hold grudges. Hates seeing his parents.

Looks 1 (human form): Has caramel hair, ears and tail. Has red dyed tips. Has one green and one red eye but hides them with brown contacts. Tail has a white tip.

Looks 2 (wolf form): Big caramel wolf with a white tipped tail. Can't wear contacts when in wolf form so doesn't try to transform much.

Family: Lassy Royals (sister), Remus Royals (brother), Angelica Royals (Mother), Raphiet Royals (father)

Significant other: ¿¿¿, keeps it a secret cause parents are homophobic.

Patton Heart: Works for his adoptive parents at their family bakery. Is in the cooking club and has even made cakes for the teachers birthdays.

Gender/sexuality: Transgender FTM (yes I did change it because it was starting to bother me and I am not in a good mood ), bisexual

Popularity status: high, friendly with everyone and can plan an amazing party!

Age: 17, senior year

Species/Magic: Angel, can heal minor injuries and can hide his own injuries.

Disadvantages: Has an ex he never talks about for some reason, usually lies about his emotions, puts other before himself.

Looks: has light brown hair with icy blue eyes. Has freckles. Has two beautiful white wings.

Family: Mia Heart (adopted mother), Lola Heart  (adopted mother), Elisa Marigold (biological mother), Chase Ray (biological father)

Significant other: ¿¿¿, keeps it a secret because he is to afraid of someone finding out.

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