Incorrect quotes

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Ok since I'm being lazy and haven't finished the next chapter y'all can have some quotes! (The first group of these is not based off the book)

Roman: When you wish upon a star-

Virgil: Nothing happens.

Logan: Virgil is correct, stars are just incandescent balls of plasma held together by their own gravity, so if you were to so call 'wish' upon one nothing would happen.

Patton: So your saying wishing on stars is.... Out of this world!

Logan: *sigh*

Deceit: Guess who isn't back!

Virgil: *In the kitchen banging two frying pans together* Get out of my house you snake!
Thomas's Friend: So what are you thinking about?

Thomas: *Nervous Laughter*

Meanwhile in the mind palace

       *The Kitchen stove is one fire*

Patton: *Trying to put the fire out*
Remus: *Is the one who caused the fire*
Roman: *Yelling at Remus for starting the fire*
Deceit: *Trying to find the fire extinguisher*
Virgil: *Recording the whole mess*
Logan: *Watching the whole mess go down from the living room drinking tea.*
Virgil: If you killed a group of crows you would have murdered a murder.
Logan: *Microsoft Error Noise*

Virgil: Do you think a fall from this high would kill me?
Patton: *concerned dad noises*

Virgil: Hey Roman the circus left hours ago, why are you still here?
Roman: *Offended Princy Noises*

Virgil: *Boops Deceits Nose*
Deceit: *Bleps*
Virgil: Oh my God......
Deceit: *Flustered Snake Noises*

Virgil: *Ignoring Remus*
Remus: *Annoying Demon Screeches*

Logan: *Takes Virgils phone away*
Virgil: *Sad emo cat noises*

Fur And Fire


Cheerio and Roman: *Singing Disney songs*
Logan: Stop it. Now is not the time.


Remus: What if we-
Logan: I'm going to stop you right there.
De: He didn't even say anything...
Logan: Whatever he was going to say was going to be reckless and stupid.
De:  ......
Remus: He is right...


Virgil: F$ck this $hi! I'm out! *About to jump out a window*
Patton: Virgil No!!!
Lesley: Psh he won't do it he's a coward.
Virgil: Cats always land on their feet!
Lesley:..... NO WAIT DONT-


I know these are bad I just really needed to publish something.

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