Game Night! bonus story!

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         3rd person pov

      Logan, Patton, Virgil and Roman were all sitting in the living room getting ready for game night. It had become a tradition every Saturday night. Virgil being a neko was lazily grabbing games not caring what they were. Patton was getting snacks and drinks ready, Roman was picking out a movie and Logan was casually talking with Virgil. After everything was ready everyone sat down. Logan took the only single chair in the dorm with Virgil, who was in his cat form at his feet. Patton had his wings tucked sitting on the middle of the couch with Roman beside him. 

         The first game they played was truth or dare. Most of them were just funny jokes or casual questions but that all changed when it got to Romans turn. "Ok Virgil, truth or dare?" "um... truth i guess." "Ok do you have a crush?" Virgil sat up and turned into his panther form scaring Roman so much that he fell off the couch. Virgil let out a purr of amusement and jumped onto the couch laying his head on the armrest. "yes I do, but I suggest you don't ask who it is before I bite your hand off. The werewolf let out a growl and sat beside Patton again. 

The next game was Monopoly which Logan was pretty good and the others not so much. The game ended quite soon after Roman started to curse out Logan which got Patton mad which led to Virgil recording the whole thing. At one point Roman flipped the board which  hit Logan in the face. Virgil couldn't help but post it on tumblr. The next game was twister which Virgil kinda cheated at by turning into his cat form. Eventually Patton forced him to play properly which led to a small injury. "Ok! Virgil right foot red!" Patton said cheerfully. Roman was in a bridge only being held up by one hand while Logan and Virgil were still standing. Patton happened to be recording this as well. Virgil looked around the mat then got an idea. Roman was wearing a dark red sweater so Virgil kicked him in the side, not to hard but enough to make sir sing a lot fall. "oops Princys out." Virgil  said teasingly while laughing. "That's no fair! Virgil kicked me!" Logan let out a small laugh. "Roman according to my calculations Virgil did as he was supposed to. Virgil used the right leg and hit the right colour." Logan gave Roman a smirk which got him a growl in return. As Patton continued to spin for Logan and Virgil Roman put on a movie. Twister ended with Virgil collapsing onto Logan, Which Patton got a picture of.

The next few games weren't that exciting, it was mostly just talking while playing snakes and ladders. Eventually they stopped playing board games and moved onto videogames. Virgil went against Roman in wii tenis which Roman lost horribly at. They mostly played wii sports and no one could beat Virgil at wii tennis. Then came the most dangerous game of all time. Mario Kart. This game started out nice then switched to a whole other level. Roman bragged at the first round he won then from there on out it was Logan and Virgil who were constantly in the lead. In the middle of a round, which was just Logan verses Roman. Virgil got up and walked to the kitchen to put away some dishes and when he came back he slipped on one of the games and ended up being saved by Logan. Patton snapped a picture on his phone as Virgil and LOgan went bright red. Logan let Virgil go to which they both stuttered out an apology.  

                                            And that was the end of Saturdays game night! I want to keep doing mini stories like this so please leave comments or dares for the group to do! You can request games, challenges and ask questions!

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