Day 54

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         //Virgil pov//

I walked out of my room and sat down on the couch. It seemed rather quiet for a Saturday morning. I walked into the kitchen to find Patton rather nervous. "Hey popstar, what's wrong?"
Patton turned towards me and I saw he had a few tears running down his cheeks. "I-it-s l-Logan h-he he he-" "shhhh calm down first." I gently take Patton into a hug while he cries into my shoulder.

         After a while Patton calmed down and told me what was happening. "Logan insulted Romans brother Remus on Friday so Remus challenged him to a fight today, and what makes it worse is that Remus is an alpha wolf and will probably bring his pack with him!" Patton looked like he was about to start crying again. "It'll be okay Pat. I'll go and check on him to make sure to." Patton nodded and I ran to Romans room. I knocked hard on the door " ROMAN! Go help Patton!" I heard some shuffling then I ran to my room. I grabbed my black shoulder bag and put a first aid kit in it as well as a healing potion Logan gave to me. I put my bag over my shoulder and transformed into my cat form. I ran out the door of the dorm and down the hall. I began to run around the school yard until I caught Logan's scent. I ran into the small forest beside the school till I found Logan and around 5 werewolves. Most of the werewolves looked pretty normal but more vicious. The one closest to Logan looked a lot like Roman but he had a bandaid on his nose and looked a bit insane so I assumed this was Remus.
As soon as Remus took a swing at Logan I ran out and tripped him. I let out a hiss and stood beside Logan. All of the werewolves looked stunned. I took a deep breath and transformed.

     -+Logan pov+-

    Remus was about to take a swing at me when a cat ran out and tripped him. I immediately recognized the cat as Virgil. Virgil let out a hiss and stood in front of me. I saw him let out a deep breath then I couldn't believe what I saw. Where there was once a small black cat there was now standing a black panther. Virgil crouched down and pounced at Remus batting him with a forepaw sending him hurtling towards a tree. Virgil let out a roar and all the werewolves ran with their tails between their legs. Remus got up and glared at me and Virgil. "You got lucky this time Logan." Remus scoffed then ran off. Virgil ran and pulled me into a hug. "Don't ever do that again!" Virgil let me out of his embrace and took a medical kit out of his shoulder bag. He started to bandage the small scratches I got from the werewolves. I noticed Virgil seemed tired so I checked how much energy he had left. Stamina 12
Attack 26 Health 260 energy 2. "Virgil May I ask how much energy that power you used needed?" " um I think 16 and my total is 18." Once my arms were bandaged we started to walk back to the dorm. I looked around, we were about halfway to our dorm when I felt something brush against my hand. I looked over at Virgil who was looking the other her way. I don't know what caused it but my heart rate started to go faster. I took a deep breath and held Virgil's hand. I saw Virgil flinch so I was about to pull away when Virgil intertwined our fingers. I looked over to him to see he was looking the other way.

     By the time we got to the dorm me and Virgil were laughing and talking. "Heh I'm going to go have a catnap I'm exhausted." Virgil gave me a small hug and walked to his room. I don't know what is happening to me. Whenever Virgil is around my heart feels like it's gonna burst out of my chest! "Ooooo~ looks like the robot does have feelings." I turned to see Roman and Patton sitting on the couch. I felt heat raise to my cheeks and could tell I was blushing like crazy. "I-I don't know what you mean Roman." Patton let out a giggle. "Really specs? You think I believe that? I saw you making  goo goo eyes at Virgil." Roman said while standing up. "Well then Roman I could say the same for you and Patton." I say while smirking. Both Roman and Patton go red and that was all I needed. I walked to my room and sat on my bed.

     I was in the middle of my book when Virgil, who was in his cat form jumped up onto the bed and snuggled up on my chest. I started to pet Virgil when I felt my self drifting off to sleep.

    That's right I'm turning this story into Analogical and Royality ( fight me ) anyways I was wondering if I should make a oneshot book! It will have all ships (except RemRom) and you can leave requests! UwU

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