A rather unpleasant encounter

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The video is the song sung later in the chapter. Also warning lots of gore and blood.

Third person pov

The authorities took Logan away to hopefully get the savege out of his bloodstream before he lost control. Virgil was a mess for the entire week until they called about Logan.

Virgil pov

"Sir we need you down at the hospital now. Mr. Williams has lost control and we need to see if you can calm him down." The lady on the phone said calmly but with a tint of fear in her voice. "I'll be there right away." I responded and hung up. "Patton! Roman! I just got a call about Logan ill be back soon!" I said running out the apartment door. The hospital wasn't far from here, I should get there in 10 minutes. I transformed into my panther form as soon as I was outside. I started running down the streets towards the hospital. I saw Zoren outside the door for some reason. I would have attacked him right then and there but I had to get to Logan. I glared at him as I ran passed him and I swore I saw guilt in his eyes.

I transformed into my human form and ran to the lady at the desk. "Hi, im here to see Logan Williams." The lady nodded and pointed down the hall. "Very last room sir." I swear I recognized her but shook the thought away. I walked down the hall and noticed that there was only two rooms with lights on. I got to the last room and saw a doctor who looked to be frozen and a few others standing around him. "Oh Mr.Storm we are so glad your here!" A nurse with blue hair and dark blue horns walked up to me. "His state isn't horrible yet so we hope you'll be able to calm him down quickly." I nodded and walked to the door. I took a deep breath and opened it.

The room I walked into was pure white, it didn't have anything except a speaker in the corner. In some spots the walls were frozen while others were burned. I saw Logan holding his head in his hands and sobbing in the corner. As soon as I came a step closer he shot up. His eyes seemed to be clouded with some sort of grey smoke. I held a hand out and he shot a flame at me. I dodged quickly thanks to my reflexes. I started to make my way closer to Logan. Another flame formed in Logans hand but this one was blue. I started to hum which eventually turned into singing. "I see your monsters~ I see your pain~" The flame in Logans hand started to get smaller. "Tell me your problems, ill chase them away~". I took a step towards Logan and the fog around his eyes seemed to dim. "Ill be your lighthouse, ill make it okay~" The flame disappeared out of Logans hand and his arm dropped to his side. "When I see your monsters ill stand there so brave and chase them all away~" Logan collapsed to his knees and I started to walk towards him. "In the dark~ we we, stand upon, we we, never see that the things we need are staring right at us." I sat beside Logan and lifted his chin up to look at me. "You just want to hide hide, never show your smile smile." More of the fog cleared from Logans eyes but there was still some left. "Stand alone when you need someone that's the hardest thing of all." I pulled Logan into a hug and I felt his arms loosely wrap around me. "All you see are the bad bad bad memories, take your time and you'll find that," Logan started to mumble something. "I see your monsters, I see your pain, tell me your problems ill chase them away. Ill be lighthouse, ill make it okay, when I see your monsters ill stand there so brave and chase them all away." Logan went limp in my arms. I let him go out of the hug and he leaned on me. The door opened and one of the doctors and the nurse from before walked in. They look stunned but before they spoke I put a finger to my lips and shushed them. They nodded and set up a cot and some machines well I kept Logan asleep. I helped one of the docters lift Logan on to the cot. We all walked out except one doctor who stayed in the room. "Thank you Mr.Storm! that was amazing!" One of the nurses said. "I think I discovered why they go crazy." One of the doctors nodded telling Virgil to continue. "A grey fog of sorts blocks their vision so they get scared."

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