34! one last time

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"no you hang up first," bea flirted with corbyn on the phone as she sat in the table with the others girls causing rome to roll her eyes and grab the phone from the girl.

"bye," she yelled to the phone hanging up as bea snatched the phone away from her slapping her on the shoulder before grabbing her phone back.

"hello ladies," her manager laura yelled through the house walking in the houses and to the kitchen where everyone was a huge grin on her face, "i have exciting news," she announced clapping her hands as the girls furrowed their eyebrows.

"fire on fire hit 50 million views and the music video hit 20 million," she announced as the girls cheered from excitement before the woman clapped her hands once more gaining everyone's attention, "in addition to that you all are going to a restaurant meeting with the boys tonight."

a cheer was heard from most of the girls who got up clapping, all of them besides rome, "i don't want to go i was literally so happy to be finally done with them," she groaned as bea rolled her.

"you'll never be done with them especially when there's couples between the two groups," bea stated the obvious as rome sighed getting up.

"let's get it over with then."


"zach jack get your asses in the car," jonah yelled as jack chased zach around the parking after zach had pulled his hair, both on tuxedos.

"you all are the worst," jack puffed as he got in the car pushing corbyn in the way who laughed waiting by the door so zach can get in as well.

"remember to be nice," jonah told the boy as he was about to park on the parking lot, the boys mumbling some yeahs, "remember daniel?" jonah looked at daniel from the rear view as daniel furrowed his eyebrows nodding.

"no one told my boyfriend to look this good in a suit," bea commented once the boys walked inside to their view her moving her hair to one side.

"please my baby daddy is looking hot," hera commented as she fixed her dress making charlotte sigh as she plastered a smile getting up.

"hello ladies,"

"we're ladies?"

"rome you won't let him be nice huh?" charlotte chuckled as jonah fake pouted going up to the girl hugging her, all of the other boys greeting the others and their girlfriends.

"well i don't know about you guys but i already feel the deja vu," jack commented throwing his hands up in the air in defense everyone letting our a laugh from the joke.

"so congratulations on the song," bea cheered grabbing her glass of white wine as everyone else did as well, raising them up.

"to new beginnings," corbyn smiled, "and more songs to come," he finished as everyone cheered their glasses clicking with each other before they drank out of their glasses.

"hera you aren't drinking are you?"

"no zach it's water," hera replied once zach had asked and grabbed her hand in his, her sending a smile his way him smiling softly back.

"you children acting all in love," jonah hid a smile as he winked continuously making zach roll his eyes playfully and then send a glare at him.

"i don't think we're allowed to call them children anymore by the fact they're becoming parents," rome reasoned as she took a sip of her wine everyone nodding in response, "you two are too much of a cute couple."

"i don't think you're allowed to say that anymore," hera chuckled as rome raised an eyebrow in confusion, "you have a boyfriend dumbass," hera laughed out loud with everyone else once rome's mouth formed into an o.

the 10 had talked with each other and eaten their food, for them it had felt like they hadn't seen each other in years and they were just now catching up with everything happening in their life.

"i'm gonna be right back," rome had said after he phone had started ringing going out of the restaurant she answered her phone, her boyfriend had been calling to make sure she's okay before he ended it, and as rome turned around she was not ready to be met with a pair of crystal blue eyes.

"barney why you out here?" rome asked confused as daniel sighed looking around his teeth biting his bottom lip as his tooth gap was shown confusing the girl even more.

"we've both moved on at this point," daniel started as rome's facial expressions relieved a frown making it's way to her face, "but a piece of my heart with always be yours roro," daniel chocked out, tears trying to escape.

"daniel i'm sor-" the girl's words were cut off after a pair of lips had met hers and pair of arms had been wrapped around her waist, and no matter the fact that she knew it was wrong her hands still went up to his head, her fingers tangled on his hair, the kiss was rather long and passionate both in need of each other, but it wasn't long either before the girl snapped out of it and realized what she was doing.

"daniel we can't you have a girlfriend and i have a boyfriend," rome shook her head as she pushed the boy away running back inside leaving the boy alone outside the restaurant.

"maybe that's why you were wearing my beanie huh?"

"so is this how our story we'll end?" bea asked as she looked around the room everyone disagreeing with the girl as they shook her head, a hand made it's way to her chin making her look up being met with corbyn.

"it's only the beginning babe."


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