20! gone wrong

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"i refuse to believe that," hera laughed as her and zach sat on hera's bed both of them laughing their asses off.

"ok wanna bet?" zach laughed as he stuck his pinky finger out hera gladly wrapping it around.


"you're the cutest," zach smiled as he got up a bit, starting to tickle hera slowly.

"don't even think about it zdong," hera laughed as she tried to get up but zach pushed her softly in bed ticking her again as they both laughed, "zach stop right now."

"say you love me," zach smirked as hera was still laughing out loud from him tickling her her shaking her head in disagreement, "say you love me."

"ok i love you zdong," hera screamed as she laughed zach stopping on tickling her, him still half on top of her, both of them staring in each other's eyes a smile on both of their faces.

they don't know how it happened but the comfort of each other and the happiness they gave each other made them lean in slowly their lips making connection as they moved in sync, a feeling neither one of them thought they had between each other took over their bodies.

"zach," hera breathed out after they had both pulled away her hand on his chest, "we can't," she shook her head as zach slowly got, hera doing the same.

"i just thought—"

"no we're just friends i'm sorry," hera shook her head as zach nodded biting his lip his hand messing around with his hair.

"ok i get it," zach grabbed his jacket putting it on getting up from the bed.

"no zach please," hera tried stopping him as she got up but zach had no wait for the brunette girl, "zach stop please," hera called but the boy had slammed the door and was long gone making the girl's heart ache and realize the mistake she had made.

and now that she knew she couldn't take back time her body collapsed with her bed the smell of his cologne still ran through her nostrils from the hoodie she was wearing and the tears escaped her eyes more and more each minute.

the boy had walked to his car, tears streaming down his face as he got inside of the car his hand banging on the wheel as thought about the small moment that broke the twos friendship, he knew deep down that he would've gotten heartbroken again but the thought of having her in his arms and calling her his made him still kiss her.

and not like one mistake was enough from the boy's head racing and his heart pounding he drove the car to the first person he thought of no matter how much she broke him his head still chose her, all though his heart yelled another person name.


guess who it is uwu?
also please don't hate me
for the next chapter(s)

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