10! almost a kiss?

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"jack what are you doing here?" asked a confused rome who had just woken up her hair still in a bun.

"carpet selling,"

"oh i- we don't need any—"

"i'm here to pick up eve idiot," jack laughed as the girl rolled her eyes playfully as she yelled the girl's name for her to come down.

"also by the way what you did to daniel was cruel and he's pissed and sad," jack stammered, his voice demanding in a way yet quiet as the girl in front of him rolled her eyes.

"it looks better on me," the girl pointed to her head where a purple beanie was place, jack's mouth went to an "o" shape as he reached to grab the beanie but the girl quickly took a step back.

"idiot," mumbled rome as she went inside soon evelynn appearing on the door a confused look on the face while in the other hand jack had a smile plastered on his face.

"hey what was that about?" evelynn asked as she closed the door behind her walking out of the house.

"the daniel thing," sighed jack as the girl tied her laces of her shoes.

"want a piggy ride?" smirked jack as the girl nodded hoping on the boy's back squealing a little as she jumped.

jack ran to his car both of them laughing the whole way there and time to times jack was literally about to fall but neither of them caring.

as the couple arrived to the set for the music video both of them still laughing around and joking at their inside jokes.

the couple was amazed by what they saw in front of them and immediately fell in love with their set up as they started running around their manager already expecting that from the two of them.

"woah you look good in overalls," jack complimented as the blonde in front of him made a twirl giggling in the end.

"while thank you young gentlemen," she bowed slightly making jack smile as he took a step closer to the girl.

"i would say the same thing about you," the girl blushed as she looked the boy up and down making jack smirk.

"you look cute when you blush," jack flirted making evelynn slap him in the shoulder slightly.

jack pulled the girl closer to him by her waist making the girl let out a gasp in surprise as the boy stared down at her smiling the girl didn't hesitate to stare back at his eyes smiling.

"you are something different thumann," jack smirked as one of his hands went on her cheek.

"so are you avery," whispered evelynn as she saw jack leaning in, her mimicking his action, their lips now an inch away.

"guys we are about to start," the director interrupted them as they both broke out looking at the director awkwardly.

they both nodded running to the scene set so things don't get more awkward between them and their director.

"ok so your vibe is reckless you are wanting to go against the law to express your talent which this time is not exactly singing," their director explained as couple nodded in agreement.

"let's get this done," jack clapped his hands together taking a look at the girl next to him who was smiling as she gazed around the scene amazed by it, a smile making it on his face as well.


i couldn't hold myself
i HAD to post this :)

skyhigh | wdw ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang