21! #hero

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"rome you could've told us first," charlotte yelled as she paced back and forth with all the other girls behind her as well as they had a guilty rome sitting in front of them.

"you were all busy with the collab," rome screamed back, "i thought you wouldn't care," she lowered her voice a bit as a sigh escaped charlotte's mouth.

"besides why are you making such a big deal about it?" rome asked getting up from her seat, "you didn't make this much of a big deal when bea or evelynn started dating corbyn and jack," rome stated as both bea's and evelynn's heads snapped towards the girl.

"yeah because we actually spend time with our boyfriends," bea snapped at her as evelynn nodded in agreement.

"and we're bot dating someone who we've only met through social media and their youtube videos," evelynn added as rome scoffed letting out a dried chuckle.

"me and grayson are very happy with our relationship and i don't care if you agree with our relationship or not," rome stormed away and started climbing up the stairs, "and he's coming to the music video release party," rome screamed as a puff of annoyance let bea's and evelynn's mouth, charlotte throwing her hands up in defense walking to the kitchen.

"i'll go talk to her," hera stated who had been quiet the whole argument as she made her way past the two girls to the girl's bedroom, walking to her door and knocking on it, "rome it's your favorite girl hera," hera knocked a giggle leaving her mouth as she got no reply only a couple sniffs being heard from the other side of the room.

hera opened the door slowly poking her head in first as she saw a crying rome sitting on her bed, her back rested against the headboard of the bed, her knees close to her chest and her head buried to them.

a sigh left hera's mouth as she opened the door more letting her body slide inside the room closing the door behind her and walking up to the girl, sitting in the edge of the bed.

"talk to me roro what's wrong?" the girl asked her hand resting on the girl's knee as rome let small sobs leave her mouth, "please talk to me," hera pleaded as she noticed rome slowly pull her head up her cheeks were flushed red and stained with tears and smudged mascara.

"i just want them to be happy for me," rome cried letting more tears leave her eyes as hera opened her arms, rome moving her body scooting closer to hera letting her head bury into the girl's neck.

"we are happy for you it's just-" hera started a sigh escaping her lips as she tried to put into words what she was thinking, "we've never seen you have any kind of contact with grayson dolan other then one time that you met in that event."

"can i ask you a question?" hera asked rome as she saw her nod her head in a "yes" motion, "are you trying to replace daniel?" hera asked caressing the girl hair as rome gulped.

"i hate daniel," rome spat taking a grip of the girl's sweatshirt as hera let out a breath gently grabbing the girl's chin making her look up at the girl.

"stop lying to yourself and tell me the truth,"

"i love him," rome cried as hera nodded in sympathy hugging the girl once more, "but he's dating bryana, who's an amazing girl and i can easily see why he chose her over me."

"baby you were mean to him," hera started advising the girl, "if that's your way of flirting you need help," hera deadpanned looking at the girl straight in the eyes earning a slap on the arm from rome.

"shut up i've never felt love before how could've i possibly known," rome giggled as hera let out a laugh in response.

"come on everything will be fixed you just need to talk everything out with both grayson and daniel," hera pulled the girl out of the bed sitting her in a nearby chair.

"now let's take this mascara off shall we?" hera laughed putting one hand in her hip as she looked around the room to find the makeup wipes, a grin on her face.

"here's the hera i know," rome mumbled smiling as hera aggressively wiped the mascara off the girl's face.

"i heard that," hera giggled stopping for a second before she continued on wiping the mascara off.


some #hero moments for y'all
muah <3

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