17! halloween

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with the hitting of the 31st of october the girls and boys were more then exciting for the day in front of us since it marked the worldwide holiday known as halloween.

no matter about the fact that the girls had planned to go out together, same with the boys, the plans had been ruined after the group of 10 decided to throw yet another party, this time being held in the boys household.

this time the invitation had a picked theme on it, an average halloween party, every teenager would usually celebrate their halloween like this, a costume party, this time not being held for complete teenagers since most of the friends were in their 20.

bea and evelynn had been excited all day long with the fact that they're gonna spend time with corbyn and jack, and so did hera all though she did spend the whole day planning with zach a matching costume, a last minute matching costume.

charlotte was against the whole party thing due to the fact that she was still stressing over all the articles about her past and now that she had to come face to face with jonah and not just text.

and rome hadn't been in the best state of mind ever since the audio release, her body had been doing this weird actions, she felt numb from feelings all though she knew no reason why, she had been eating more then usual and sleeping more then usual, having no desire to work or do anything what's so ever.

"where the fuck is rome dude?" charlotte screamed through the house as she walked inside the dressing room to find bea and evelynn, and assuming hera was in the closest from all the shuffling.

"she's sleeping," rome explained as she hair sprayed one of her pigtails with red spray hair.

"we live in 30 minutes," hera confusedly looked at the girl as she put the white vans on her feet.

"i'll go get her," charlotte sighed as she slightly ran to the girl's room down the hall.

she made her way inside finding the tv on playing vampire diaries and a sleeping rome her body hanging on half of the bed as her feet were on the floor but the upper half of her body still in bed.

"wake up rome," charlotte yelled turning on the light and walking where the girl was pulling the blanket off of her earning a groan.

"let me sleep," rome groaned as she tried to sleep again before being pulled by her foot from charlotte making her fall in the floor.

anger rising on the girl made her huff as charlotte started running rome chasing close behind her as they ran all the way to where the dressing room was.

"that's one way to get her out of bed," evelynn chuckled as rome pushed charlotte making her fall on her butt a smile pf victory in her face as all of the other girls laughed.

"rome who are you dressing up as?" evelynn asked straighten her hair as she glanced at rome and then back at herself in the mirror.

"hermione granger," rome shrugged as all the girls shared a glanced with each other and then looked at rome.

"you have 20 minutes to get ready," bea looked at the girl confusedly as she put her high heels boots on.

"well my hair is already curly," rome started putting her hair done from the girl all curled, "and all i have to do is put on my outfit," she said pointing at the outfit in the closest hanging, "all i have to do is put on mascara and do my eyebrows."

all of the girls shrugged in response as they started adding their last touches around, some of them texting the boys to see if everything is ready.

"zach why are you dressed as a football player?" asked jack staring at the guy confusedly who was drawing two black lines on his cheeks.

all of the boys were currently getting ready for the party they were throwing, all of them more then excited for another drunk party.

"because me and hera are matching outfits," zach explained in a duh tone, "hera is dressing as a cheerleader," zach ended all of the guys nodding in understatement.

"and why are your hair orange?" asked zach back at jack who trying to ruffle up his hair as much as he could.

"cause me and evelynn are going to be archie andrews and veronica lodge," jack dead panned at zach who looked at him in disgust.

"riverdale is boring," zach added before jack threw a empty hairspray can at him making the boy groan.

"well while we're at it," corbyn started as he patted the beauty blended on his face, "me and bea are gonna be harley quinn and joker," corbyn proudly stated as the boys looked at him before laughing.

"that's so original," jonah sarcastically laughed as corbyn poked his tongue out at the guy before turning back around to continue his make up.

"and what are you gonna be mister marais?" asked jack smirking at the older guy who rolled his eyes in response.

"captain america," jonah answered as he spun around his chair.

"who's captain america's girlfriend?"

"no one," jonah confusedly stared at zach, "why?"

"just though you were gonna match with charlotte that's all," zach shrugged as he went to the bed grabbing his outfit and walking to the bathroom.

"no we're not matching,"

"what about you daniel?" they all stared at the boy who was zoned out in his head not really paying attention to the boys ruffling his hair.

"well me and bryana are gonna be harry potter and hermione granger," daniel explained snapping out of his self zone as the boys looked at him weirdly.

"they're not a couple?" jonah looked at the guy confused as corbyn and jack nodded in agreement.

"yeah we know," daniel shrugged continuing on doing his thing as all the boys looked at each other before continuing on their things.


next chapter is the party
there's possibly drama?

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