"Marika, where are you?" I heard a familiar voice from downstairs, "Let's go!"

"Coming!" I answered back as I carefully ran down and there he was.

After all these years, Jeff changed for good. We had abandoned the horrible past we had and we surprisingly were able to make it through without raising any suspicions from people.

Of course, Jeff's appearance did change, after all. He looked normal, I guess that's the best way to put it. His skin is still pale but it definitely looked better than it was before and his eyes, it fully healed. He was better than ever.

He approached me and grabbed my bags, "Hurry up, they're waiting." He mumbled while carrying my luggage into the car. I hurriedly stepped out and made sure to lock the door, the place was basically empty but I figured I still should. I hopped into the car, not wanting to let them wait.

I decided to let Jeff drive the car this time, I never really liked it when he drives since he doesn't have much practice and he really likes to speed it up. Since it was a long trip, we had to take turns.


4 days later . . .

"We're here at last . . ." I groaned, exhausted from the trip.

"Really, mom!?" I heard a cheery voice from behind.

"This is our new home!?" Another voice shouted, which woke Jeff who's fast asleep beside me while I'm sitting on the driver's seat.

"Yes, are you two alright?" I asked, making sure they were fine during the four days of a car trip.

"Yes!" They answered in unison.

"I miss this town . . ." Jeff mumbled as he stared out the window.

"Me too." I nodded before turning the engine off, "Let's go, we have a lot of unpacking to do." I opened the car door and got down, soon, everyone followed. Jeff and I took our luggage from the back and examined the area. It sure is a big change for us, but still, we'll learn to live here.

With two little people following us, we walked on the sand and headed for a small inn by the beach. It was still early, too early, it was probably around five in the morning right now. We're not really going to stay over at this inn for long, we just need a week.

I bought our old house back, this is the second neighborhood I lived in, this is the place where I met Kathleen and Kevin, it's the place where Jeff and I first understood what our feelings were for each other, this place . . . it's where the good memories happened. It's special. It was a time where our family was happy.

I was actually trying to buy our old house way before, and I'm not talking about the past five years, I'm talking way before that. I always wanted to go back here but it wasn't available before. Now, I finally have the deed to the house and the people currently living there needs a week to pack up and move. This town always seemed like the best place to raise children, it's pretty quiet and safe.

"Mom, mom!" I felt someone pulling on my shirt, "Can we play in the water?" He pointed at the sea.

"Aw, Pete, dad and I are carrying heavy things, we can do that later." I explained my strained muscles as we walked.

"Please, mom?" He asked.

"No, Pete, we have to get this inside the house first." I smiled apologetically. I gasped when I suddenly realized what I said and turned to Jeff. I saw him grinning mischievously at me, "No, Jeff, I swear-"

"For Pete's sake, let him do what he wants." He started laughing to his own pun.

"That is not funny!" I tried to trip him but he evaded me so easily, "Stop using that!" I whined.

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)Where stories live. Discover now