Chapter 43. Worried

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The man stood at the doorway, his eyes glaring at me. He started to walked inside, slowly, he walked towards me. With every step he take, I grew more anxious. Who is he? He looked really mad, is he going to hurt me!?

He was just a few steps away from me when I turned around. Feeling threatened, I backed away though it was done in such a clumsy order because of my broken foot.

We moved in sync, him walking closer while I limped farther from him until my back hit the wall. If looks could kill, I'd be dead because of the glare he's giving me. Who is he!?

I pressed myself further in the wall, if only I could walk through walls . . .
He stopped when we were only a few inches away. His intense gaze burning into my soul while mine were of confusion and fear, and he did what I was expecting the least of all,

He threw his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug, I stiffened at the sudden action. What's with him? Do I know him? I really don't remember anything . . .

"I . . . I thought you were dead . . ." His voice shook and it came out raspy, he sounded angry, worried and confused as he pressed me tighter and closer to him.

There was a long moment of silence, I stood awkwardly one on foot while a man- practically a stranger, hugged me. I hesitated whether to hug back or what, my arms were frozen as they hang on my sides, I don't know what to do, I don't even remember who he is!

"Why . . . aren't you . . . pushing me away?" He whispered, his breath sending shivers down my spine. Push him away? Why?

"Um . . . I- . . ." I fidget and nearly lost my balance, "W-Who are you?" I asked and broke the hug, I hopped to the side and put a space between us.

"What?" He stared at me, his glare turned into one of confusion.

"I-I'm sorry, the doctor said that I'm suffering from amnesia." I stated, "I d-don't remember anything." I mumbled, is he someone important? I knew I should've made Billy stay, this is so confusing.

His eyes grew wide. Wait, why isn't he blinking? Doesn't that hurt? No, I shouldn't be worried about his eyes, his whole face is not normal. What's with that carved-in smile . . .?

He looked really shocked with what I said, "Uh . . . Do I know you or . . ..?" I asked as I studied his features. Maybe he's just a cosplayer?

My questioned seemed to snap him back into reality, he looked like he was brainstorming for a moment before his mouth slowly formed into a grin, a very creepy grin, "Yes, I'm actually your roommate, I live here with you." Amusement filled his raspy voice as he said so, but the way he said it sounded a bit sarcastic. A roommate?

"Roommate?" I asked. He gave me a nod, but I somewhat feel like I'm being tricked.

"I'm glad you're okay." His grin turned into a sly one, Okay I'm starting to doubt him.

"What exactly is my relationship with you?" I rudely asked, the way he speaks and smiles really creeps me out, it sort of sounded like he was lying too. I better put my guard on.

"Oh, we go way back . . ." He shrugged and ignored the tone of my voice, "We knew each other when we were young." He muttered.

"Is that so?"

"Uh huh." He hummed with a smirk before his expression turned into a confused one again, "If you don't remember anything, how did you get here by yourself?" He stared at me.

"Oh, a friend drove me here though I'm not sure because I don't know remember him either . . ." I mumbled, "But, he really helped me tonight and he was there in the hospital with me so I think he's telling the truth." I gave a small smile.

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