Chapter 41. Christmas

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Two Weeks Later . . .

I wore a thick, fur coat complete with gloves, ear muffs and a hat. I'm going to visit the cemetery today because it's Christmas, the day my family died.

As for Jeff, well, he hasn't showed up since that night. I'm really thankful about it, I never wanna see his hideous face ever again. I hope he leaves me alone . . . or maybe kill himself. Yeah, that's a great idea.

I sighed as I took my bag and left my room, I walked through the long halls with only the sound of my footsteps being heard. This house can really be scary sometimes, maybe I should sell it and move away but . . .

I'm afraid.

This house contains all my memories with Kevin ever since we got married, I can't just leave. It's too difficult, I don't wanna forget.

I shook the negative thoughts away and headed to the front door, on my way there, I saw a figure sitting on the living room couch and judging by his physique, it's the person I wanted to see the least of all.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said, not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice. Things have been better these past days since I haven't seen him, now he's here again. Ugh, how can he even show up after what happened back then?

"Um, hello! Can you leave!?"

He didn't move, he just sat there with his back faced to me. Angry, I stomped all the way in front of him and saw him holding his knife and staring straight, like he's thinking about a serious matter. What could a despicable person like him still be thinking about?

"Hey," I waved my hands in front of him which made him turn his gaze on me, "Do me a favor and never come back, I can almost say it's been heaven without you coming to my house for the past few days." I crossed my arms to show my distaste though it required a bit strength because of the thick coat I was wearing.

"Are you serious?" He gave me a weird look, "I've been here everyday." He rolled his unblinking eyes.

"What!?" I shouted, "How the heck can you get in!?" I glared at him. If he can get in my house then what's the use of locking my doors and windows!?

He shrugged, "I have my ways." Jeff gave me a smirk before saying, "You look cute when you're asleep, like always." He sarcastically said.

I stopped myself from punching the life out of him. He watches me!? It's true, I haven't had the motivation to do anything, I barely go to work and when I stay at home, I either use my computer to work or sleep the whole day through so basically, I had no idea he was in my house since I'm always in my room.

"You're a pervert." I growled and walked away, considering he wouldn't listen if I told him to get out of my house. I can't believe he sneaks up on me.

He laughed, "Where are you going?" He turned and stared at me as I held the doorknob of the front door.

"To visit Liu, mom, dad and Kevin, not that you care." I gave him an emotionless gaze.

He chuckled though it was a bit forced, "Kevin? What on earth do you even see in that wimp?" He gave a mocking grin, "It was such an easy kill, a quick slice in the throat . . . and maybe a few stabbing."

I wanted to tackle him and use his knife to fucking end him but I ignored the feeling and kept a cool demeanor, "Let's see . . . " I tapped my chin, "He was there for me when I needed someone since you fucking killed our family and he treated me with respect unlike you and he actually managed to make my life better. Basically, he is a much better person than you are so you don't have the right to insult him." I smugly replied with my arms crossed, "There are a lot of other reasons than that." I added.

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