Chapter 19. Meet The Neighbors

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Marika's POV

I woke up to the sound of the usual alarm. Ugh, school really sucks even though I try and keep my grades up. Instead of turning the alarm off, I grabbed it and pressed it on Jeff's ear.

"Ugh, get away!" He yelled and sat up. I turned the alarm off and placed it back on the side table.

"School . . . I'll take the showers up here." I yawned and headed for the bathroom. I brush my teeth and washed my face. I wore my black short-sleeved hoodie with a pair of pants and went out.

Jeff and I had breakfast together, Liu is probably still asleep. We finished quickly and walked all the way to school considering we don't want any more trouble. Hm . . . well they're probably in the hospital or something anyway but we're just making sure. Better safe than sorry, right?

We reached school and was currently walking through the hall when a tall guy wearing a black hoodie bumped into me and accidentally knocked my stuff down. I quickly bent down and picked my things up.

"Shit . . . sorry." The guy apologized as he helped me. Jeff also picked my books up.
I looked up and grabbed my things from this guy with brownish hair.

"Here." he said as he gave me my notebooks.

"Thanks . . ." I muttered. The three of us sort of had an awkward staring contest as we wait for someone to talk. Sheesh, we should've just walked away.

"So . . . I'm Jack." the tall guy said. Oh great, introductions! What could be better than this, ugh.

"I'm Marika. He's Jeff." I pointed.

"Oh, the transferees." He nodded. "Freshmen?"

"Yes, how about you?" I pretended to be interested.

"Graduating this year. Going to be in college soon." He gave a small smile. "Well, bye. Don't want to be late . . ." He said as he walked away. Weird.

I gave a loud sigh and opened my locker and took the books I needed and kept the ones I wouldn't need. Jeff seems to be dazed ever since we woke up this morning.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No . . ." He looked around. "I just keep feeling that something bad will happen soon."

"Well, I really hope not." I mumbled as we walk into our first class. Boring . . .

After school, we returned home on foot and just chilled on the living room and played video games after we did our homeworks. Suddenly, mom called out for me.

"Marika, sweetie?" She peeked from the kitchen. "Could you bring this pie to our neighbor?" She asked sweetly.

"But mom! You know how I am when it comes to people!" I protested.

"Which is why i'm asking you to this." she replied. "Look, it's just a few houses away, it's the yellow house, you'll see it if you just keep walking to the left of our house. Just knock and tell them that it's the pie they ordered or something . . ."

I gave out a loud sigh as Jeff snickered. I really hate delivering those stupid food. Mom's sideline is to sell delicacies and such.

"Oh, and Jeff?" Mom added. "You're coming with her."

"What!? No!" He shouted back. now it was my turn to laugh at him. He groaned and paused the game. We walked to the kitchen and carried 3 boxes of pie and head out.

We walked a few blocks away and reached the yellow house. We rang the door bell and after a few seconds, a girl that looks like the same age as us opened the door. She's prettier than me.

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