Chapter 72. The Plan

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"Move and she dies." Jeff chuckled. I noticed Detective Andrews had his hand halfway in his coat, possibly to take out a weapon, a gun perhaps.

Andrews eventually lowered his hand and balled them in fists as he stared at Jeff in anger. Jeff's grip on me started to hurt, even the knife pressed on my neck. It feels like it's gonna pierce my skin soon.

Jeff began, "You're too slow, Detective."

"I . . . I don't understand." Andrews' glare turned into one of confusion, "Why would you kill her? Aren't you and her both-. . ." He trailed off.

"Killers?" Jeff finished his sentence, "No, how the hell can you be so slow?"

"We saw her, and her house too, the blood. It explains everything, she's a murderer!" Andrews argued, "You're accomplices!"

"That doesn't make any sense at all . . ." Jeff said with a gruff voice, taunting him, "I wouldn't think twice to get rid of her for good." He pressed the knife further on my neck, causing me to yelp in pain and doubt that this is all just an act.

Shocked, I managed to free my hands from Jeff's grip and grabbed hold of his arm, "Let go of me!" I yelled in terror as I felt trickles of blood roll down my neck.

"Stop!" Andrews shouted, nearly making the mistake of stepping closer to us, "What do you want!?"

A malicious smile played on Jeff's lips, "You have a gun hidden in there, don't you?" He asked, "Put it down and kick it towards me."

Andrews glared at him before slowly lifting his hand up and taking his gun out. But instead of laying it on the ground like Jeff asked, he aimed it at him, "Why should I let you get away . . ." He mumbled to himself, his glare worsening, "It's just one life in exchange for a thousand . . ." His grip on the gun tightened, eyes clouded with rage, "I don't care what happens to her, let's end this now."

"No!" I pleaded, "Don't do this!"

Just as he was going to pull the trigger, Jeff pushed me down, out of the way and charged at him. Andrews didn't have a chance to react, he ran to him so fast and plunged it right in his shoulder. Andrews fired the gun but the bullet missed Jeff by a hair. Jeff pulled the knife out, only to stab his right shoulder again and again causing his arm to weaken and drop the gun.

Right after Andrews fell on the ground in an agonizing pain. Jeff roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me up, "Move." He said lowly before pushing me out of the window with him following after.

I didn't know where to go so I just ran straight ahead and avoided people or even cars, afraid to be seen. I glanced behind me to see Andrews standing up in front of the window, holding the gun. But before he could even aim it at us, his bad arm gave in and dropped the gun. I saw him grip his wound as he rushed back inside, possibly to alert the others.

Holy shit, we actually pulled off the act.

Now running beside me, was Jeff. To be honest, I don't know what's going on in his mind, if he is still sane or what. The cut and the blood running down my neck was no match for his cut-up smile. His hoodie is soaked in red . . . Why would he do that? And where are we going?

Out of breath, I slowed my pace behind a bush, we seemed to cross the park, which means we've ran a great length from the station already. "Jeff," I panted, "What are we going to do?" I choked out as I wiped the blood off my neck.

"You alright?" He asked, looking at my cut, not even as half tired as I was.

"Nevermind that, where are we gonna go?" I dismissed his worry.

"To the city's bridge. I have a plan-Shit." He cursed, the pain from his 'smile' obviously affecting him, "We can still clear your name, I can't ruin your life again." He said in a serious tone.

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