Chapter 58. New Lives

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6 months later

"Yes, yes, I get it." I mumbled through the phone with a dull look on my face as I was currently driving back home.

"Be careful!" Kathleen repeated at the other end.

"You said that ten times already!" I snapped back.

"I can't help it if you're an idiot."

"I'm not." I muttered, "But driving while on the phone is very distracting."

"Right, right, bye." Kathleen said, "Remember we'll visit next month." She informed.

"Yeah, tell me beforehand. I might . . . Uh, be busy." I excused. Since Jeff is living with me now, I can't have her showing up in the most unexpected times.

"Kay!" She cheered before ending the call.

Sheesh, ever since the whole incident five months ago, she always kept on phoning me and checking up on me. I don't hate the calls but almost every month, she would visit and stay over without letting me know. It's vexing, last time, she nearly saw Jeff. If I hadn't stalled her so that Jeff could hide, we would've been found out.

After she found out I left the hospital, she was really mad. But after convincing her I was fine, she gave up on scolding me. Kathleen wanted me to come with her to live in their hometown because she was afraid that someone might be after me since I lied and said that I didn't know who shot me but I refused her offer, I can't just leave, there were a lot of reasons why.

The good thing was that after I explained that I was going to get my life back since I got my memories back, she let me stay but dang, she's clingy. At least she didn't bother asking me how I remembered everything.

I drove through the busy streets, it's pretty early but I decided to take the day off. I got my job back, I was so relieved. Things changed a lot, I decided to be more . . . sociable, and friendly. It's really nice, I got a few friends, work seems more cheerful and they don't give me looks like I'm Satan or something anymore.

I pulled over to the side street and got out of the car in a hurry, I made sure it was lock. While walking towards the house, I noticed Xiang was out mowing their lawn. I smiled and waved a hand at him. I grew pretty close with him and his wife since we saw each other every day, they're a fun bunch. At least they don't hate me for crashing their motorbike-which I paid for.

Luckily, no one suspected why the motorcycle was a bit near the warehouse, I told them that I wanted to 'learn how to ride a motorbike' and they believed me so easily! I was off the hook by saying I crashed it and blacked out so I don't remember much. Nobody except Kathleen, Wilfred and me knows about the gunshots I got because I left the hospital before police or investigators could even interview why I got it in the first place, I have no problems at all, nobody even suspects me.

Ace and that Victor guy's case were closed after the investigation because they didn't find anything, they believed that Ace was murdered and 'Victor' committed suicide afterwards. Those are the source of my guilt which is eating me inside, they died because of me.

Ugh, It's been six months, I shouldn't let this bother me anymore.

Once Xiang saw me, he returned a smile and gave me a nod before going back to his business. I reached the porch and knocked on the door. I wonder if Jeff is here or out again, we sort of figured out a way so he could somehow blend into society although it wasn't much of an improvement.

The doorknob rattled and I was greeted by Jeff. His blue eyes that seem to grow brighter with every passing day shined against the sunlight and his now brown hair partially covered his face before he shook it off.

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