Chapter 1. An Affair

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The first 16 chapters of this story will bore you to hell and make you think 'what the heck is this crap? It's friggin' unrealistic' because the characters were too young for the events in the story to happen and I was still an idiot when I started writing these chaps (I'm still an idiot right now but my writing skills definitely improved lmao)

Trust me, it gets better at the 17th chapter. Please refer to TicciTrisha's review on this story


a FIVE year old's POV

I heard footsteps and voices downstairs and I desperately want to know what's up. I looked back at the crib,

"Jeff, I'm going to look at something, okay?" I asked my year old baby brother as he sleeps peacefully. I leaned in and kissed his cheek and quietly tiptoed all the way to the staircase. I stopped and sneakily peeked downstairs, I saw dad, mom and a lady.

"Peter, we need to talk." The lady teared up as she looked at my father pleadingly. Dad was about to say something but my mother, Margaret, interrupted him.

"Dear, let's have a proper discussion about this." My mom looks somewhat like she's confused as she gently guided the lady into our living room, followed by my dad. I couldn't hear or see them so I went down the stairs stealthily and stood near the living room and listened to every word. There was a long awkward silence until the lady sighed,

"Peter," The lady said. "I-I'm pregnant." I peeked and saw my dad and mom with a surprised look. I was also shocked at what the pretty lady said.

"W-What?" My dad said incredulously. I saw mom with the same shocked look on her face.

"No! It's a misunderstanding!" The lady waved a hand at my mom, mom looked at her, waiting for further explanation.

"We were drunk and I hardly remember anything that night. It was an accident." The lady slowly and quietly said.

"Marissa, how could you tell that that child is mine?" My dad asked. Mom just stared at the table blankly. What? Dad and the lady? No, no, no, it must be a mistake!

"There's no one else but you." The lady who is probably Marissa, cried. "I'll get an abortion."

Suddenly my mom stood up, wide-eyed, "You can't do that!" Mom yelled, "That's monstrous!"

"I don't want to cause trouble for any of you." The lady sobbed. There was this silence which was killing me. I saw dad putting his face on his hands as mom looked back and forth between dad and the lady, mom seems to be thinking of something.

"Let the child live." My mom sighed as she sat down. "I understand. It's an 'accident'. nothing will be change between me and my husband but do not kill that unborn child." Mom said sternly.

"I'm so sorry." The lady cried as she knelt down and begged for forgiveness. Mom didn't know what to do at first but then she helped her stand up and gave her a hug.

"It's okay . . ." She cooed. "Why don't you go home and rest? My husband and I will have a talk." She smiled, but I can sense sadness and disappointment in it.

The lady nodded, wiping her tears, as mom let her go. They all stood up and started walking out of the living room so I hurriedly but quietly ran back upstairs. The lady-Marissa bowed, apologized again and walked out, crying. Mom looked emotionlessly at dad.

"Margaret . . . I don't remember anything. One night we were entertaining the clients at a bar and we got drunk . . ."

"Then what?" Tears started flowing from mother's eyes. "What did you do with that associate of yours?"

"I woke up with her . . ." As my dad said that, mom fell on the ground and sobbed harder. Then, I notice something warm fell on my hand. Huh? I didn't even realize that I was also crying . . .

Well, that's normal for a kid who just found out that his dad had an affair which he doesn't remember. I shrugged and wiped it away because I have to be strong.

I walked down halfway of the stairs.

"Dad?" I called.

"Liu, please go back to Jeff's room." My dad pleaded.

I sighed and nodded as I went back up to my brother's room and peeked on him, still asleep.

"Jeff, I wish I didn't found out about anything this night . . ." I whispered as I cried my eyes out. So much for being strong.


Guys, for argument safety (since you people are making a fuss about abortion in the comment section), there are people in favor of abortion and people who aren't. That's their own opinion, all you have to do is listen and try to understand them. You have your own reasons and they have theirs, you don't need to change their minds.

I actually read somewhere that abortion doesn't really 'kill' anything if it's immediately done because the fetus isn't alive yet. Sure, it starts growing a heart and it started beating but it's not even alive yet, it's just beginning to live, it's just developing. Note that what I read might be wrong, I forgot what article that was. I'm just writing based on my memory.

People who are against abortion believes that anyone deserves to live no matter what complication it may be. But others believes that it is best to get an abortion because not only will the parent's life will get complicated, the child's life itself would become difficult (this statement doesn't apply to everyone). There are children who are results of unwanted pregnancy that lived a good life and got through with it but there are some who are orphans, homeless, abandoned. Not every kid got a chance to have the life they deserved. I'm just trying to point out that for some people, abortion seems like a better choice than letting the child live a bad life.

Crudely speaking, STOP forcing your opinions on each other. You don't decide for everyone, they have their own decisions. It would be understandable if you've been through the EXACT thing they've experienced but you didn't, so just stop. Let them and their opinions be because you sound mean and disagreeable.

I'm deleting offensive and immature comments from now on.

Lethal Passion (Jeff The Killer)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن